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Thread: Read the stickies, now posting for the first time about my bad experience, pls help

  1. #1

    Read the stickies, now posting for the first time about my bad experience, pls help

    First off, I do not have my bloodwork with me right now. I am posting from my phone because I have reached a point where I started researching (I thought I knew a lot until I came here) and realizing that my endo is probably just poisoning me.

    I complained of Erectile dysfunction and weight gain about a year ago, and had my bloodwork done. All my test was low, and I was sent to a urologist. Then after testing, sent to an endo. About 6 months ago, my endo put me on some underarm ****m which was terrible and after a month switched me to 200mg test C once every two weeks. After a month, got tested and I was still low, so he upped it to 300. Now I am sitting here with shrinking testicles, I cant keep an erection, I am still tired and fat, albeit less fat, and after reading all these stickies I realize that I am not on a complete regimen.

    Went to the endo and I told him that my testicles were shrinking and hurting, he said that there was nothign that could be done. I said what about hCG, and he said I dont perscribe that.


    Now I am sitting here googling endo's trying to find someone who can help me but unfortunately, everyone has appointments out until April.

    I am located in pembroke pines florida, but it seems that everyone here uses these endos. Tried calling some trt places around town, but they want upwards of 1800 bucks for a regimen and frankly im a bit leary of going to these guys.

    What would you guys recommend I do first? Anyone who you would recommend seeing?

    I guess you cant PM me but I can be reached by email too.

    Thanks and god bless

  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Sorry to hear about your issues. You definitely need to post complete BW with ranges (see stickies) when possible so we can get a grasp of what's going on. We (you) also need to know what your E2 level is. It needs to be a sensitive assay. Hi E can cause low libido as well as many other sides.

    What was the timing of your last BW for T level? Was it one day before your next shot (13 days from last one?) Since you've been reading the stickies you now understand how ignorant your current doctor is so I don't need to go into a long diatribe. In summary: He has no grasp on half-lives or HPTA shutdown nor the effectiveness of HCG as well as possibly an AI to complete a protocol.

    First and foremost, find another doctor. Your current doctor is hurting you in the long run, not helping you. Try going to the Life Extension Foundation website and see if you locate anyone in your area using their TRT doc locator by zip code. If it doesn't help you other members from that area will chime in soon and be able to lead you in the right direction.

    Good luck Nachinc! You came to a good place here. Keep reading the stickies and educating yourself.
    Last edited by kelkel; 02-06-2012 at 03:59 PM.

  3. #3
    Thanks for the warm welcome. BW is in between shots, and I go for one next week. Will Post asaP

  4. #4
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    also split your dose to once a week to avoid the roller coaster effect, better yest do it twice a week.

    Hey Kel, perhaps you can post the link to find a doctor by zip code in your sticky post!

  5. #5
    Once a week, alright, think I should come down on dosage until I get to a doc who isnt an idiot? I dont want any gyno...

  6. #6
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Are you injecting yourself or is your doc doing it for you? If yourself then definitly do what Bass said. I'm under the impression with the length of time between shots he was doing it. Study up for your next appt and take paperwork in with you to back up your statements, although based on your first post I'm sure he'll just dismiss it unfortunately.

  7. #7
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    Compliments of TR vativeDoctors/?source=search&key=zip%20code%20locator

    take the space out of the link and it will become active. Spam filter is filtering out some of the letters

    You should see how far Dr. John Crisler is from you, he is sort of the current leading authority on HRT for men.
    allthingsmale .com/location.html

    From what I am reading it sounds like you are converting your test into E2 so make sure they check that. A good HRT clinic will set you up on Test, HCG and an AI if needed.

    In the mean time I agree with doing 2x a week injections may help lower your E2 and keep things more level. You may consider trying SQ injections also 2 or 3x a week instead of IM.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 02-07-2012 at 03:12 AM.

  8. #8
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    all good advice given already

    i'd like to ask you in addition to posting up you bloodwork describe symptoms a lil more in depth from pre TRT thru these 6 months....i see you mention some ed STILL and some loss of body fat, but i didnt read where you might have had some earlier success maybe the first few months of your TRT protocol? this would help in seeing the whole picture...also, age and stats ? pre and current if slightly different as it may be


  9. #9
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    nachinc - See my Doctor:

    He's located just off Sterling Road West of 95.

    He will take care of you right quick.

    You need the proper care.

  10. #10
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Was hoping you'd punt that info his way....

  11. #11
    Okay sorry for a long wait.


    LH = 0.1
    FSH = 0.2

    Free Test - 20.4
    Test Total - 729

    TSH - 1.81

    Prolactin - 21.1 (gyno check, no boner, check)

    Estradiol - 30.2 (idiot said oh its in range)

    T4 10.3

    T3 102

    This is taking 150/week intramuscular (thigh with small needles)

    I see my endo on June 5th (new one)


  12. #12
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    its been THREE and a HALF months

    thats not an update

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    its been THREE and a HALF months

    thats not an update
    Well I couldnt go to blood, Got shipped out for 3 months. Thats life...

  14. #14
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    Please edit your post and add ranges to each panel.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    Please edit your post and add ranges to each panel.
    Perhaps this is beyond my understanding, the labs from labcorp give results and reference intervals.

  16. #16
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Example: Your total Test is 729. Range at labcorp is 348 - 1197
    LH is 0.1. Normal at labcorp is 1.7 - 8.6

    LH/FSH useless as your shut down. If they are normal labcorp ranges your free and total look good. Prolactin is high. Are you doing a 19-Nor or do you have a prolactinoma as that level is high? Estrogen at that level is fine, assuming it's their sensitive assay, it just depends on how you feel. Life Extension Foundation recommends between 20-30 but we are all different. Also remember estrogen and prolactin are inter-related. Control your E and you control your prolactin.

  17. #17
    I had to google 19-nor. No im only taking test until i get to this new doc on the 5th, and prolactinoma...I took an MRI of it and there was no tumor, no clue.

  18. #18
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    Nachinc, take a breath and relax. You're in very good hands here. I am new to this myself and would highly recommend that you listen to GDevine, Bass, Kel and the others. These guys have helped me beyond words. Plus, you received a doctors referral from GDevine! Good luck with the new doctor!!!

  19. #19
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    ZERO mention of how u feel

    only numbers

  20. #20
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    ^^^^From his original post J:

    "Now I am sitting here with shrinking testicles, I cant keep an erection, I am still tired and fat, albeit less fat, and after reading all these stickies I realize that I am not on a complete regimen."

    He needs the right Doc to help him...

  21. #21
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    I would say this: your numbers are fine, no need to do anything with them.

    As far as "shrinking testicles, etc" you didn't mention.

    HCG might be good... can easily get it online.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by ecdysone View Post
    I would say this: your numbers are fine, no need to do anything with them.
    How can you tell that without the proper reference ranges?

    He's clearly in HPTA suppression with his Testicular Atrophy; so yes, the hCG would fix that and make him feel better for sure. The hCG would also help to back fill his pathways and go a long way to helping him could be that simple...but I doubt it.

    The other symptom like tired all the time, not losing weight and not holding erection points to other abnormalities.

    Love to see a complete and thorough hormonal and thyroid panel including RT3 and antibodies.

    Something is off...
    Last edited by 1; 05-29-2012 at 08:50 PM.

  23. #23
    I feel like I have huge tits and a gut along with zero energy and the inability to keep an erection. Very sad. Yes I need to go to the doc, but money is an issue and if that doc doesnt accept insurance as most of these shops dont, I am stuck with my endo because I simply DO NOT have 2 grand to shell out for a visit.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    How can you tell that without the proper reference ranges?
    I guessed them

    But, OP: sent you an email regarding HCG.

    Listen to GD, it could well be your issues are rooted in other endocrine systems (thyroid, etc.)
    Last edited by ecdysone; 05-29-2012 at 08:59 PM.

  25. #25
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Op find a way to see GD's doc. At least call the office and see what can be worked out payment wise, etc.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by nachinc View Post
    I feel like I have huge tits and a gut along with zero energy and the inability to keep an erection. Very sad. Yes I need to go to the doc, but money is an issue and if that doc doesnt accept insurance as most of these shops dont, I am stuck with my endo because I simply DO NOT have 2 grand to shell out for a visit.
    Have your endo consult with Dr. Gains; it will be a very small fee relatively speaking and you may get what you just need and covered by your insurance to boot.

    You'll find out right quick if your current endo will be willing to work with you to this end or if his ego is the size of the national which case start looking for other endo's in your network and ask if they would be willing to consult.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    ^^^^From his original post J:

    "Now I am sitting here with shrinking testicles, I cant keep an erection, I am still tired and fat, albeit less fat, and after reading all these stickies I realize that I am not on a complete regimen."

    He needs the right Doc to help him...
    exactly, i DIDNT miss that...he's been on trt.....

    THIS IS 3 AND A HALF MONTHS LATER, NO???????????????????

  28. #28
    So I saw my endo today. he wont put me on anything. He said my thyroid is working normally and he ordered cortisol and growth hormone.

    DR GAINS DOES NOT SEE ANYONE UNDER 30, with that said, does anyone else have any experience with anyone?

  29. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    exactly, i DIDNT miss that...he's been on trt.....

    THIS IS 3 AND A HALF MONTHS LATER, NO???????????????????
    Yes and I had nothing new to report until recently, hence the 3.5 months..

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by nachinc View Post
    So I saw my endo today. he wont put me on anything. He said my thyroid is working normally and he ordered cortisol and growth hormone.

    DR GAINS DOES NOT SEE ANYONE UNDER 30, with that said, does anyone else have any experience with anyone?
    Dr Crisler will do advice only consults and work through your physician, or you can go see him. Its a lot less than most of the HRT clinics, and that includes the flight to Lansing. Its $495 for the upfront visit, then $70 for a virtual office visit (phone call) from there. I started with him in January, great Dr and a good guy.

  31. #31
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    What i meant is u ONLY posted numbers/bloodwork

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by nachinc View Post
    So I saw my endo today. he wont put me on anything. He said my thyroid is working normally and he ordered cortisol and growth hormone.

    DR GAINS DOES NOT SEE ANYONE UNDER 30, with that said, does anyone else have any experience with anyone?
    Interesting. Thanks god I'm 33!! I'm going to see him next week for my first appt.

  33. #33
    Cool, thanks for rubbing it in

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