First off, I do not have my bloodwork with me right now. I am posting from my phone because I have reached a point where I started researching (I thought I knew a lot until I came here) and realizing that my endo is probably just poisoning me.
I complained of Erectile dysfunction and weight gain about a year ago, and had my bloodwork done. All my test was low, and I was sent to a urologist. Then after testing, sent to an endo. About 6 months ago, my endo put me on some underarm ****m which was terrible and after a month switched me to 200mg test C once every two weeks. After a month, got tested and I was still low, so he upped it to 300. Now I am sitting here with shrinking testicles, I cant keep an erection, I am still tired and fat, albeit less fat, and after reading all these stickies I realize that I am not on a complete regimen.
Went to the endo and I told him that my testicles were shrinking and hurting, he said that there was nothign that could be done. I said what about hCG, and he said I dont perscribe that.
Now I am sitting here googling endo's trying to find someone who can help me but unfortunately, everyone has appointments out until April.
I am located in pembroke pines florida, but it seems that everyone here uses these endos. Tried calling some trt places around town, but they want upwards of 1800 bucks for a regimen and frankly im a bit leary of going to these guys.
What would you guys recommend I do first? Anyone who you would recommend seeing?
I guess you cant PM me but I can be reached by email too.
Thanks and god bless