I am a 44 year old female, have been pretty sedentary the last 1.5 years. I am overweight, mostly in the torso. After many pregnancies, I have a small diastasis recti problem. It is better than it was, but because of it I want to avoid crunches since that may make it worse.
I want to put together a simple EOD routine to start getting on track. I would like to incorporate kettlebell training. I have little equipment at home, but am willing to buy a few essentials. I don't really have room for a weight bench. Well, maybe in my nasty, damp, cold basement... LOL!
What I do have: adjustable weight dumb bells, 10 lb kettlebell (planning to buy more - heavier), red resistance tubing with handles, a 5 lb. weighted ball, 178 pounds of body weight, and various weights of children. Although I'm pretty sure many of them would object to being bench pressed.. I also have a good quality jump rope and a set of trekking poles. I know this is probably not enough to blast the fat off quickly, but it's the army I have to fight with at the moment.
Any suggestions will be considered. I live in a small rural town, with no gyms. There are Curves in two neighboring towns, but I'm pretty sure it's just machines? Never been in one, so I don't know for sure.
Please feel free to make suggestions and recommendations, or ask for more info.