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Thread: HGH dosage questions.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    HGH dosage questions.

    Hey I have a few detailed questions on my current HGH cycle. I recently got what was supposed to be a 20 week cycle of HGH. I got 2 kits, 10 bottles each with 10iu HGH per bottle. This is 200 IU's total, for 20 weeks this is 2 iu per day(5 on, 2 off). Currently I am putting 2 ml bac water in the bottle and drawing .40 to attain my 2iu a day dosage. This make each bottle last 5 days. Ok so I'll get to my question, the more I'm reading I am thinking I need to up my dosage to at least 4 IU a day. This means that I'll only get 2.5 days/shots per bottle correct? Taking my 20 week cycle to only 10 weeks. This isn't a big deal, I will order a few more kits to make this a long termer like I had originally planned. One last question, I only have .5 ml slin pins so I wont be able to do the necessary sized shot unless I further concentrate the solution. Would you suggest only putting 1ml of bac water in an entire 10iu bottle? That seems very concentrated to me and seems like it would leave room for error, expensive error! Ok sorry to go on and on but please give some advise.

    Also, stats:
    on 5th cycle
    400 ml test prop wk
    600 ml tren 100 wk
    500 ml test e wk
    150 mg anadrol ed

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    i would only mix 1 ml of water. I mix 1 ml with mine and they are 18iu viles.
    what are yuor goals of the gh?
    what kind of gh do you have?
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    They're blue tops, but new source has kigs, asunme, tai and igs. Whats your opinion on these brands, which is "best"? I actually just ordered 2 more kig kits so I can sustain this higher dose. And as far as my expectations, I would like to use this in conjunction with aas as a long term, lean muscle builder. I will be able to "bridge" aas cycle with the HGH if I plan correctly. I have already been noticing fat loss with the 2iu dose but none of the other talked about sides. I'll up the dose and give it a go! Thanks gix.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    blue tops and kigs are junk. they arent gh. stick with real pharm grade or nothing
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    i would make the Math easy.

    1ML will give you 10iu per Ml. There are 10 lines on a 1 ml slin pin so if you take 10 / 10 you get 1 iu per 1 mark on slin. this works the same on a .5 ml slin. your marks whould be .5 , 1 , 1.5 .... up to 5. the one will still represent 1iu. i like to go with the easier the math less chance of mistakes.

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