Hey I have a few detailed questions on my current HGH cycle. I recently got what was supposed to be a 20 week cycle of HGH. I got 2 kits, 10 bottles each with 10iu HGH per bottle. This is 200 IU's total, for 20 weeks this is 2 iu per day(5 on, 2 off). Currently I am putting 2 ml bac water in the bottle and drawing .40 to attain my 2iu a day dosage. This make each bottle last 5 days. Ok so I'll get to my question, the more I'm reading I am thinking I need to up my dosage to at least 4 IU a day. This means that I'll only get 2.5 days/shots per bottle correct? Taking my 20 week cycle to only 10 weeks. This isn't a big deal, I will order a few more kits to make this a long termer like I had originally planned. One last question, I only have .5 ml slin pins so I wont be able to do the necessary sized shot unless I further concentrate the solution. Would you suggest only putting 1ml of bac water in an entire 10iu bottle? That seems very concentrated to me and seems like it would leave room for error, expensive error! Ok sorry to go on and on but please give some advise.
Also, stats:
on 5th cycle
400 ml test prop wk
600 ml tren 100 wk
500 ml test e wk
150 mg anadrol ed