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Thread: stuck around 160 , looking to start first cycle

  1. #1

    stuck around 160 , looking to start first cycle

    Hey, my steroid knowledge is limited, but I've done some research and come to the conclusion that test enan would be a sufficient cycle to start with, accompanied with clomid or some other similar product for a pct. I have a few friends who have done cycles in the past, and are about to start again for the summer. They're good ole boys (rednecks lol) and have some ugl in there hometown. They used "test 500" with NO pct or any stacking, they didnt even know what a pct was! ( scary right)? Im extremely skeptical at getting gear with them so Im in the process of finding a source of my own, but thats besides the point. Im looking for some feedback on my specific body type and a first time cycle, im
    160-165 lbs
    workout 5 days a week, max bench 295, cant squat for shit. I look like I weigh 180 from the waist up, 130 waist down ha. cant gain any mass in my legs.
    been lifting consistently for the past 2 1/2 years. ( was around 140 lbs when I started)
    I eat 3 to 5 meals a day accompanied with mutant mass gainer.
    22 years old

  2. #2
    Welcome fluidity. Its appearant you have done some research, & that's good, however, have you done any research on the effects of AAS on the undeveloped Endocrine & HPTA?
    Last edited by The Bear 79; 03-16-2012 at 04:59 AM.

  3. #3
    I found another newbies thread where u posted about it. wow! kinda scary but from my understanding if your over 21 your fine. how could I go about getting an idea of where mine is? I guess see a physician? I havent grown any since high school if that matters.

  4. #4
    You misunderstood. The recommended age to cycle is 25. not 21.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Not only are you to young you need to put up a P.O.Box in the squat rack.Cant means wont nothing looks worst that a big chest back and arms with chicken legs.You need to work on your diet if you cant gain weight now.You will lose anything you gain if you do.

  6. #6
    alright guys appreciate the info. I think ill hold off on the cycle another 6 - 12 months.. hit legs hard. low rep high weight try n eat more, see what happens thanks

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    if you hate squats, for whatever reasons (biomechanics?), maybe you can try various types of leg presses. they are probably never as good as squats for building leg mass fast, but they are much easier to do with much less techniques involved.

    if your upper body looks 180lbs, and once you bring your legs up to that, you will look awesome

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Spend some time in the diet secion, those guys are great and will teach you what you need to know (they did for me before I cycled) 3-5 is not even close to how mcuh you should be eating, you should be in the 6-8 range and the type of food, timings, macros all play an important part. get that down pat and you can actually start to see steroid like results naturally

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