Hey, my steroid knowledge is limited, but I've done some research and come to the conclusion that test enan would be a sufficient cycle to start with, accompanied with clomid or some other similar product for a pct. I have a few friends who have done cycles in the past, and are about to start again for the summer. They're good ole boys (rednecks lol) and have some ugl in there hometown. They used "test 500" with NO pct or any stacking, they didnt even know what a pct was! ( scary right)? Im extremely skeptical at getting gear with them so Im in the process of finding a source of my own, but thats besides the point. Im looking for some feedback on my specific body type and a first time cycle, im
160-165 lbs
workout 5 days a week, max bench 295, cant squat for shit. I look like I weigh 180 from the waist up, 130 waist down ha. cant gain any mass in my legs.
been lifting consistently for the past 2 1/2 years. ( was around 140 lbs when I started)
I eat 3 to 5 meals a day accompanied with mutant mass gainer.
22 years old