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Thread: Dbol, Sust, Deca Cycle

  1. #1

    Red face Dbol, Sust, Deca Cycle

    dbol,test,deca cycle

    Hi guys,

    I am new to this site and was wanting a bit of info about a cycle
    I have trained for years with not a lot of success, i have had quite a few decent cycles and got some benefit but not great. I am 36 years old and weigh 92 kilos with about 22 percent body fat. i have tried every training method there is and never found one that really works enough to stick to anyway at the moment i am training 4 days a week and doing minimal sets but to ultimate fail on last set. i have previously done very long workouts and been burnt out all the time training each body part 2 times a week with no rest days, now i am training each body part once a week. with rest every other day. the only way i can improve strength and size is to take steds, but even with them the gains are minimal, i struggle with diet as my appetite is poor and money is really tight so i carnt be eating beef and chicken all day every day.

    Any way sorry for all the boring info so i will get to it.

    I am going to start a cycle of 10 weeks taking
    45mg deebol 750mg sust and deca 600 mg i will take the deebol for 6 weeks and then just carry on with the sust and the deca, till the 10 weeks are up.

    When should i take the deebol i always take it all at once when i get up every day and the sust and deca all the weekly dose in one go on the same day every week, is this right or should i spread the deebol over the day they are 15mg tabs by the way, and should i half the sust and deca and take it over the week in 2 goes. and being my diet is not too good what does any one recommend i do bearing in mind the cost oh and my diet is not bad meaning junk food, i just struggle getting in enough carbs and protein. what sort of protein and carb intake should i be looking to take per day to get best results.

    Any info would be great


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    a trip over to the nutrition section will help you a lot. there are plenty of vets there that can help you design a diet suited for you, even on a tight budget.

    just my opinion, but at this point, if the money is really that tight, wouldn't it be more beneficial to spend that money on good foods instead of steedz? it would be a shame to do a cycle then loose all the weight/size right after because you weren't eating properly/enough.

  3. #3
    spread ur dboll out threw the day and split ur shots 2times a week every3 days. and 4 good carbs start mixing oatmeal withe ur protein a few times a day. and maybe the gear u r getting is noo good try shopping around.

  4. #4
    Hi thanks for the really quick reply mate

    The steds was from some work i did for a mate a year or so back

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    oh, as per you questions, if you do go ahead with the cycle, split your dbol throughout the day. it has a short halflife and splitting helps maintain constant blood levels. if this is not possible, taking it all at once is acceptable.

    as for the shots, general consensus would be to inject 2x per week for sust/deca. same reason as above, helps maintain constant blood levels.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by chrisgroom View Post
    The steds was from some work i did for a mate a year or so back
    gotcha. well, it won't kill you to do the cycle but you may not be happy with the results if you aren't eating properly. sounds like this has been an issue in the past.

  7. #7
    Thanks for the info on the cycle usage, last time i took dbol i took it all in the morning and after a week or so i started to turn a bit yellow, but i think it was my system was a bit shocked with all the gear at once and after another week i went back to normal ish, i will definitely split the amounts up this time though, and as for the diet i do struggle a bit or a lot even, i have just posted a thread with my usual daily diet on the diet forum, to try get some help you guys are welcome to check it out as the info would be massively appreciated..

    Thanks Guys

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