dbol,test,deca cycle
Hi guys,
I am new to this site and was wanting a bit of info about a cycle
I have trained for years with not a lot of success, i have had quite a few decent cycles and got some benefit but not great. I am 36 years old and weigh 92 kilos with about 22 percent body fat. i have tried every training method there is and never found one that really works enough to stick to anyway at the moment i am training 4 days a week and doing minimal sets but to ultimate fail on last set. i have previously done very long workouts and been burnt out all the time training each body part 2 times a week with no rest days, now i am training each body part once a week. with rest every other day. the only way i can improve strength and size is to take steds, but even with them the gains are minimal, i struggle with diet as my appetite is poor and money is really tight so i carnt be eating beef and chicken all day every day.
Any way sorry for all the boring info so i will get to it.
I am going to start a cycle of 10 weeks taking
45mg deebol 750mg sust and deca 600 mg i will take the deebol for 6 weeks and then just carry on with the sust and the deca, till the 10 weeks are up.
When should i take the deebol i always take it all at once when i get up every day and the sust and deca all the weekly dose in one go on the same day every week, is this right or should i spread the deebol over the day they are 15mg tabs by the way, and should i half the sust and deca and take it over the week in 2 goes. and being my diet is not too good what does any one recommend i do bearing in mind the cost oh and my diet is not bad meaning junk food, i just struggle getting in enough carbs and protein. what sort of protein and carb intake should i be looking to take per day to get best results.
Any info would be great