Hey, I have been battling elevated CRP levels for a while now my highest was 155 and lowest ever was 15 which was a good day- on average my CRP levels are around the 40-50s and no doctor including many specialists have not been able to diagnose me with anything-it feels like perpetual fatigue and muscle loss.
I have a very localised ache 2 cm on the right side of my belly button, this has been on-going for the last 3 years and as it progressed I have felt worse and looked pretty groggy. My sleep patterns and bowel movements and workouts are pathetic. It just doesnt feel right when I work out, and it has nothing to do with technique, intensity or etc. I have been training for 18 months before I had this attack with inflammation, my body was 84kg 13%BF at 183 cm I looked pretty ripped with broad shoulders, nice looking lats and serratus muscles which complemented my abs. Once I had this attack my CRP levels were always elevated and have never been normal levels since.
My question is: can elevated CRP levels in the 50> deteriorate the body including testis, muscle tissue, major organs and skin thus causing severe diseases?
Once again, there was no doctor that could help me, I have spent thousands with no result (my blood levels all look normal excluding CRP levels, when I ask them to justify the CRP levels they all seem to be puzzled. I was prescribed Cortico steroids but refused to take them as I am not willing to face all the nasty side effects. I did once have a good physique, put in alot of work with good nutrition and consistent training-never taken any steroids or prohormones only preworkout supplements with stimulants. I just dont understand?
Any thoughts?
Thanks in advanced.