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Thread: CRP is the culprit but cannot be justified by professor's?? Really need help..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Sydney, Australia

    Angry CRP is the culprit but cannot be justified by professor's?? Really need help..

    Hey, I have been battling elevated CRP levels for a while now my highest was 155 and lowest ever was 15 which was a good day- on average my CRP levels are around the 40-50s and no doctor including many specialists have not been able to diagnose me with anything-it feels like perpetual fatigue and muscle loss.

    I have a very localised ache 2 cm on the right side of my belly button, this has been on-going for the last 3 years and as it progressed I have felt worse and looked pretty groggy. My sleep patterns and bowel movements and workouts are pathetic. It just doesnt feel right when I work out, and it has nothing to do with technique, intensity or etc. I have been training for 18 months before I had this attack with inflammation, my body was 84kg 13%BF at 183 cm I looked pretty ripped with broad shoulders, nice looking lats and serratus muscles which complemented my abs. Once I had this attack my CRP levels were always elevated and have never been normal levels since.

    My question is: can elevated CRP levels in the 50> deteriorate the body including testis, muscle tissue, major organs and skin thus causing severe diseases?

    Once again, there was no doctor that could help me, I have spent thousands with no result (my blood levels all look normal excluding CRP levels, when I ask them to justify the CRP levels they all seem to be puzzled. I was prescribed Cortico steroids but refused to take them as I am not willing to face all the nasty side effects. I did once have a good physique, put in alot of work with good nutrition and consistent training-never taken any steroids or prohormones only preworkout supplements with stimulants. I just dont understand?

    Any thoughts?

    Thanks in advanced.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    bumping this for you

    was reading on the subject

    any of the docs mention ANY disease at all this points too?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Sydney, Australia
    Misdiagnosed with: Crohn's disease - and that's about it, they are pretty much at point blank and just prescribed me prednisone.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Sydney, Australia
    According to many web articles prednisone has a negative affect on your body composition, prostate, and really diminishes your sex drive? I rather stay bloated with an inflamed gut as oppose to loosing my sex drive-

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Sydney, Australia
    Are there any blood-tests that anybody knows of which can actually decipher unknown or uncommon diseases?

    I head DNA sequencing is used?

  6. #6
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  7. #7
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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Sydney, Australia
    Hey jpkman, what is bump? is it a way of refreshing the thread ?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    In my house
    Yep, it's how you keep a thread at the top of the list for everyone to see. Have you been to a med center in a bigger city, sometimes the big centers can do things and have access to many more professionals and their experiences than do the smaller towns.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Sydney, Australia
    Oh ok thanks JD250-

    I actually live in Sydney (central city) - many resources, many specialists, and I also have the money- however the resources I have are not very helpful in decreasing my CRP and pain in gut.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Yeh trying to help u get some advice / support

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Sydney, Australia
    Thanks jpkman, appreciate it- lol you have also been very helpful in all my other threads-cheers.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    I assume you are discussing c reactive protein which is a marker of acute inflammation. It is elevated in many diifferent disease processes including infection, heart disease, and inflammatory arthritis. Have you has a rheumatology work up with rheumatoid factor, Hla-b27, sed rate and a fana done?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    good luck oscar! we will keep bumping this so you can get max feedback from our ^^^^^^ members in the know

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by doc w View Post
    I assume you are discussing c reactive protein which is a marker of acute inflammation. It is elevated in many diifferent disease processes including infection, heart disease, and inflammatory arthritis. Have you has a rheumatology work up with rheumatoid factor, Hla-b27, sed rate and a fana done?
    thanks for chiming in doc...yes oscar please clarify...i did a lil reading and even remember that i had crp tested but on my bloodwork it was labeled cardio crp which idk if its the same but mine was like decimal point figures...
    and the inflamation that i read about were talking about disease of the kidneys possibly

  16. #16
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    Sydney, Australia
    Doc W, rheumatoid factor was investigated through a blood sample and was considered normal by labs-

    I am currently seeing rheumatologist and he considered getting some gene tests done-I am going in to see him on the 24 which is 5 days away.
    He tested for FMF (Familial Mediterranean Fever) and another GENE test which came back as negative.

    I was doing some research and came across HELICOBACTER PYLORI and happened to notice the symptoms match mine.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Oscar, this has to be real frustrating for you. I wish I had some answers for you. Just make sure you keep you medical team working for you on this and don't let anyone drop the ball!!

    The forum is behind you 100%. Please keep us posted (as I know you will). I've got a tentative appointment with my PCP next week. This is the sort of stuff she seems to be brilliant with, so I'll see if I can get her .02 with a recap of your situation.

  18. #18
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    They can easily test for h pylori if I have gastric ulcers and adminester an abx cocktail. I would make sure u are taking at least 2-3 grams of omega 3 in your diet. This has anti-inflammatory effects. Rheumatologist is a food place to start. Any joints that hurt or skin lesions?

  19. #19
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    Sydney, Australia
    Vetteman08, I appreciate you seeking some advice for me. The situation is very frustrating and annoying in so many ways, I am now 22 and have been living with this thing since the age of 20-I am only complaining because I just dont feel youth anymore, my abdomen region just seems to be ****ed up-cramping, gas, weird sounds, chronic pain on the right side of my belly button (its always there), joint pain all over my body, and creaky joints like an old rocking chair. This just seems to be unfair, I have been suffering this problem for the last 3 years with no cure or diagnosis?

    please note: I have been given movalis 15mg and colchicine just to see if it had any positive effect. I both had them separately and both of the medications had the same effect-I was fully remitted for about 4-5 days, no pain, increased strength, my muscles felt and looked like they were ballooned overnight, and my sack was fuller? I am literally lost for words.

  20. #20
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    Doc W, I have joint pain all over and creaky brittle joints that crack through-out everyday activities. As for supplements, I supplement with a-lot of vitamins and keep away from protein as its to heavy on my gut, esp with this condition.

    Supplements: Vitamin C, B12, Fish Oil (1), Cod Liver oil (1)- every morning I also have a juice of freshly squeezed pomegranate juice.

  21. #21
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    Feb 2012
    To me it sounds like a seronegative spondyloarthroparhy. This is an arthritis that does not show up the usual labs. It can show up on physical findings. I heard of one guy where the only physical finding was a small psoriatic skin lesion inside his ear. Could also be celiac disease. Rheumatologist is your best bet. If your crp is that elevated Something bad is going on but it will require a lot of detective work. Keep me posted

  22. #22
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    Doc W, do you think the rheumatologist will eventually get to the bottom of this? I am really starting to loose hope/faith.

  23. #23
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    Furthermore, I am going to upload some photos of what I use to look like and what I look like now- so you guys be the judge

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    please dont lose faith bro

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    I think I'd u have a god Rhein doctor he will figure it out

  26. #26
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    Hey, just a quick update-
    I had an attack last night, ended up going to the hospital because I wanted to get a blood test whilst I had the attack to show to my specialist on tuesday-the pain is some what unbearable and It feels like I am being stabbed in my RIF area by a rusty chipped chisel. Hospitals in Australia, I dont know if you guys are aware-even if you have a private fund are SHIT. Stay in your country people.

    Anyway, I already knew what was going to happen and I already knew what they were going to tell me. A sample of blood was taken and came back with a low CRP of 4.6mg. I was very shocked as I have never seen it that low in my life before, however my WCC was sky rocketed to 14.1x10HI which is quite over. There is nothing anyone could do for me in the hospital-the doctor could not even maintain a conversation or preserve all the RELEVANT info I was giving her, e.g. "I had a CT scan in January and it indicated severe inflammation in my ileum region, therefore I was advised to have an endoscopy by my specialist" - Doctor: "oh, ok so you had the endoscopy then you had the CT scan, I understand". I thought **** if this is the future of our health department I might as well neck my self now.

    I was offerred pain killers at the hospital? funny If I was going to take painkillers I would of went to the corner shop.

    Anyways, my situation is ****ed and I dont think anyone is going to be able to help me in Australia. If tuesday fails, I will have to drop my Autumn Semester University session and head off to Turkey as my parents have a lot of professional contacts in medicine over there, according to my parents they will be able to get to the bottom of this situation.

    I never appreciated my health when I was young, now I really understand the difference between being healthy and not being healthy.

  27. #27
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    I will be putting up before and now photos-

    2010 : 83kg-8%bf- 20 years old (before sickness just turned twenty in Jan10') - This photo was just before I got sick and was at my peak-Since then I have not been able to put an ounce of muscle on and thought it was a range of diseases, illnesses etc. If I didn't go through this I could of packed on 3 years of consistent training and dieting-but nah its just my luck.

    2012 : 74kg if that, 15%bf - 22 years old (Chronic illness for 3 years and counting) - I look skinny and fat-can hardly respect the person I see in the miror-I have taking off my shirt infront of my gf-it ****en sucks.

    Be safe people.

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    I hate taking off my shirt infront of my gf*

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    sorry bro
    we feel for you
    get over to turkey man
    fvck school man this is your health

  30. #30
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    I saw the doc earlier this week, all my results were good according to the labs.

    The idiot tried to tell me I was depressed and asked if I cry LOLL - I dont understand how these types of people become professors and doctors, it really frustrates me. The medical industry seems so limited. I will be seeking advice overseas once my uni semester is over.

    Currently feeling pretty shit, thanks for all the advice anyway.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Someone always here..ur gettin a bad rap...ur gonna figure this shit out bro

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