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Thread: Help Skinny guy interpret BW results.

  1. #1

    Help Skinny guy interpret BW results.

    I've always been that skinny guy growing up. Started lifting around the age of 20,
    and found it very difficult to put on weight and still do. Finally at the age of 35 asked
    my doctor to do some blood work. Testosterone came back 278 range 249-836.
    Its been about a year since then and had more BW done, below. I don't have
    any difficulty getting it up, just don't have much desire sometimes. I've noticed my
    memory isn't as good anymore.

    My test levels are low now, but my early 20's should have been somewhat decent.
    Trying to figure out why I've always been so skinny. I'm 6'2" but very narrow build.
    Any thoughts would help thanks.

    Thyroid Panel with TSH
    TSH 2.53 uIU/dl .45-4.5
    Thyroxine(t4) 8.1 ug/dl 4.5-12
    T3 Uptake 33 % 24-39
    Free Thyroxine Index 2.7 1.2-4.9

    Testosterone, Serum 356 ng/dl 348-1197
    Testosterone, Free 11.07 ng/dl 5.00-21
    % Free Testosterone 3.11 1.50-4.20

    LH 3.5 mIU/mL 1.7-8.6
    FSH 4.6 mIU/mL 1.5-12.4
    DHEA-Sulfate 120.7 ug/dl 88.9-427
    PSA .5 ng/mL 0-4.0
    IGF-1 205 ng/mL 109-284
    Estradiol Sensitive 4 pg/mL 3-70
    Last edited by pokytime; 05-03-2012 at 05:10 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    any history of AAS use, any injuries to your testis? you're not terribly low on LH and FSH, but border line secondary I'd say. your TSH is a bit high but not enough to be primary. did i get this right or back-words? your e2 way in the tank, any joint problems? what is your diet like, do you smoke, drink, drugs/medications?

  3. #3
    No history of AAS and no injuries to testis. I don't smoke, drink a few times a year, and try to watch what I eat to try to maximize my gym results. I drink water most of the time because I have issues with kidney stones, which my wife believes I get because of the protein shakes I drink.

    I was surprised to see E2 so low as well. I've read that if testosterone levels are low that you will have a lower E2 number. I have gone through other threads on here, and it hard to find anyone with that low of a score, even if they too have a low testosterone level. No major joint problems, I do have problems with my knees, but figured it was from years of basketball, inflammation issues around the kneecaps. DHEA sulfate was also on the lower end. Are there any other issues with low E2 level besides joint issues. Are there other tests I should get done?

    I'm getting older and know it just going to get harder and harder to gain weight, just tired of being the skinny guy.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Good move to run the labs! What steps are going to be taken by your doctor to help you? If he says this is "normal" then get out while you can.

    IMO, you will need to look at some other variables here too. The memory and brain fog could be effected by low pregnenolone & DHEA levels. You will notice a vast improvement on your DHEA if it could get at/around the 250-300 range. Back filling with these hormones will have HUGE benefits (mentally & physically), and they will also help set the pace for the optimal balance needed downstream. Speaking of ... As noted by bass, your E2 is in the tank! This can be quite unhealthy if it stays there for any length of time.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Also, check your vitamin D3 and B12 levels too. Equally important in the quest to achieve well being.

  6. #6

    I imagine my E2 levels have always been this way. I was also concerned about the DHEA level. Below is what I found on DHEA

    "Excess DHEA can cause excess estrogen, testosterone, and other levels as well as creating a dependence. DHEA has demonstrated protective effects for various cancers and is often effective for age-related issues such as sharper memory, enhanced immune function, energy, smooth skin, tired muscles, cardiovascular health, accelerated weight loss, and it may increase HDL."

    Could my low DHEA level play a factor in my low E2 and testosterone levels? The second sentence really hits home with the memory, immune function, and energy.


  7. #7
    My vitamin d3 was low when I had the first Testosterone score of 278. They suggested supplementing with 5000u daily. I was hoping it would help my testosterone level the second time around but not really. Haven't been back to yet to see the doc since I recieved new result in the mail. He's just my family doctor. Looking around for a specialist.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Read through the finding a doctor sticky, it will give you some good ideas. IMO, you do indeed need a specialist who can get you balanced out. Regarding your question on DHEA effecting E2 ... Yes, everything effects everything when it's rolling downhill. You can pull an endocrine chart to see how it all flows ... Dr. Crisler has some good papers on this, and you will definitely find some good information here (stickies & within the forum).

    Yes, make this your priority! You're IMO very much in need of HRT.

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