Hello, Im 29, 6'2 and 200lbs about 13%bf
My diet is most defanatly in check and I've been seriously workin out for about 2 years. This is my 3rd cycle I am planning, and will be the biggest yet. I want to do it right, and exact since I am running many compounds. All input is greatly appricated.
Im thinking a 16 week cycle starting in July, but I could cut it to 12 weeks if it seems more apropriate.
Weeks 1-16 Test enth @ 500mg/wk
Weeks 1-8 Tren ent @ 300mg/wk (but I also hear for cutting it may be best to run it for the last 6 weeks)
Weeks 6-16 Winstrol @ 50mg eod
Weeks ?-? (Not sure how to does or for how long) Anavar, I hear it is only effective 50-100mg/day?! Please guide me with this substance, I hear its great but I have NO experience with it.
Also I will be running a fat burner pill called helios I think, which has albrutnal in it (not sure about this one either, but I will be looking into it a lot more)
PCT is Clomid and Nolva, I will be running a-dex or armosin during cycle as well to stop and estrogen sides.
Im after a nice cutting cycle and I hear that anavar with the winny will just do wonders, anyone use this combo before? Anyone have a good dose for anavar, should I run it at the begiing or the end, or the whole time??
The tren worries me, Ive used it before (about 2 years ago) and it is very powerful, but Ive never used it to cut, anyone offer any input- is it worth it or should I just steer clear?
Again guys, Im not starting this cycle for about 7 more weeks so I have got time to plan it out perfect, any help and input will be great, thanks in advance!