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Thread: Cutting Cycle: Test, tren, winny and anavar

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Cutting Cycle: Test, tren, winny and anavar

    Hello, Im 29, 6'2 and 200lbs about 13%bf

    My diet is most defanatly in check and I've been seriously workin out for about 2 years. This is my 3rd cycle I am planning, and will be the biggest yet. I want to do it right, and exact since I am running many compounds. All input is greatly appricated.

    Im thinking a 16 week cycle starting in July, but I could cut it to 12 weeks if it seems more apropriate.

    Weeks 1-16 Test enth @ 500mg/wk
    Weeks 1-8 Tren ent @ 300mg/wk (but I also hear for cutting it may be best to run it for the last 6 weeks)
    Weeks 6-16 Winstrol @ 50mg eod
    Weeks ?-? (Not sure how to does or for how long) Anavar, I hear it is only effective 50-100mg/day?! Please guide me with this substance, I hear its great but I have NO experience with it.
    Also I will be running a fat burner pill called helios I think, which has albrutnal in it (not sure about this one either, but I will be looking into it a lot more)

    PCT is Clomid and Nolva, I will be running a-dex or armosin during cycle as well to stop and estrogen sides.

    Im after a nice cutting cycle and I hear that anavar with the winny will just do wonders, anyone use this combo before? Anyone have a good dose for anavar, should I run it at the begiing or the end, or the whole time??
    The tren worries me, Ive used it before (about 2 years ago) and it is very powerful, but Ive never used it to cut, anyone offer any input- is it worth it or should I just steer clear?

    Again guys, Im not starting this cycle for about 7 more weeks so I have got time to plan it out perfect, any help and input will be great, thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    test e 500mg ew
    tren bump it up to 400mg ew
    ditch the winny all it's gonna do is rid you of water and bam it's back so why bother monitor your waqter intake
    ditch the var too.
    test tren and extend this for 12 weeks and run the test 3 weeks long to be safe you'll love it and so will your wallet and joints well depending how the tren strength is. lol

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    so you reccomend running tren weeks 1-12 and test 1-16? jeez, that seems a little rough with all that tren lol. Is it recomended to run the test 3 weeks after the last shot of tren i guess?

    I was lookin foward to the var and winny though, why would you say to ditch them so quickly, they would make a great asset to this cutting cycle right?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    well some say 2 weeks but i like to be on the safer side.. id stop it all at week 15
    so test e 1-15
    tren en 1-12
    bam pct and you'll be shredded and strong as a bull during trust me you have other cycles later in life keep it simple no need for so many compounds. if you really want you could run the winny at the end last 4 weeks and it'll keep you slightly anabolic until the test clears. just an option

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    hmm, sounds tempting in the finical side of the cycle! Test and tren are cheap. So i guess my next question is: Is tren really that virsatile?? I heard it does wonder to bulk, but does it also do wonders to cut? Ive always understood it as a powerful steroid, mostly leaning towards the bulking side... But ive also heard it can be used for cutting with addition of winny or var or both- however these may just be opinions and not fact. Isnt anavar considered "the fat burning steroid" and mixing it into this cycle seems perfect...? Like I said, this is just opinion research, Ive got time to set up so I want to get all my facts straight first.

    I dont want to blow the bank on anavar, so if its not needed id rather not, but if it does do some good stuff, id like to take it- if its worth it. How long, what dose and what time in the cycle? (i get 1000mg for 100 bucks- its a lot of dough)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    hahah tren is KING google it tren bulk and tren cut you'll be suprised i really wouldn't say it's much for a bulker unless you can force feed urself like i can i eat everything on a dirty bulk with tren i gain 10-15 lbs at the end of 10 weeks and i either maintain or drop a little bf. it's that strong. btw dirty bulk for me isn;t mcd's or burgerking just more red meat exra carbs fat but still somewhat clean! Save the dough and buy more tren and test! look into running your tren higher than your test it might help out sides since this is your first time and it's en. I've never used var never will i hate taking pills all day i like 2 shots a week plus my hcg. i ran tren a for 6 weeks eod inj man i felt like a pin cushion. still TREN IS KING IN THIS WORLD google it!

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