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Thread: Test e 250, dbol & deca help!

  1. #1

    Test e 250, dbol & deca help!

    Okay so I got some test, dbol 15 mg, and deca from a local trainer and my buddy got some test and dbol 2 weeks ago (boy is he starting to look puffy & you can tell he's holding water) . This is my 1st injectable cycle and was wondering how I should take it dosage wise. The guy said the vials are deca and test 5/5?? Im new here and just getting into forums so please no flaming or trolling. Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Phuket Thailand/Brooklyn
    What are your stats? Age, height, weight ect? What are your goals with doing this cycle? What do you mean by deca and test 5/5?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Flacco
    What are your stats? Age, height, weight ect? What are your goals with doing this cycle? What do you mean by deca and test 5/5?
    Age 19 , height 5'7 , and weight 151lbs .. I've takin a ph cycle ( epistain , superdrol ,max lmg, and haladrol)about 4 months ago went from 121lbs to about 145lbs lost maybe 4 lbs after ats labs rebound pct. I know most people will say wait till your older I've seem to read that alot to other people my age. The trainer told me stop using ph and just hit the real stuff and let me order some stuff and supposly the test and deca are mixed ... and I have no idea what he meant about 5/5 ... I would say he might of ripped me for my money but my buddy is gaining weight like crazy. The trainer is also saying hit 1cc 2x a week
    Last edited by Frustratez; 05-16-2012 at 05:41 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Phuket Thailand/Brooklyn
    I started juicing at 18. Now, at 26, my hair is noticably falling out and thinning in the front, my natural test levels are low, and It's hard to imagine myself every commiting to go completely natural for the rest of my life. I've got friends that started when they were in highschool and are pretty damn short. Who knows if the juice stunted their growth, but they are hooked as I am. I know you're thinking... "I'll just do this one to get me where I want to be." 9 times out of 10, it doesn't work like that if you don't do it right. The guys that are successful juicing, do it the right way. They've waited to a good age... they have worked out for a while and have a good knowledge on training. They know alot about diet and what works well for them. They have done so well that they've hit a plateu, and finally use steroids to break through that plateu. The fact that your trainer is recommending that you get on the sauce at 19 should throw up major red flags! I'm not gonna give you advice on the deca/test mix except to throw it out. I don't like that mixed crap. You've already gotten comfortable with the PH which some are pretty intense themselves. You're trackrecord is showing that you're on the path to getting hooked on juice and expriencing all the negative consequences that come along with it. I'm sorry if this isn't what you want to hear but I felt like I had to pass on my first hand experience. You want to get bigger right? Do you want to be big for the summer and then loose all gains and have to do it over in a few months? Or do want to get and stay big? If you want to stay big... work on your diet/excersize routine/sleep (recovery). I have alot of friends that just go natural and I'm amazed at how quickly they get big and then cut for their contests without steroids. They did it right from the begining and didn't let other juiceheads influence them. Get a new trainer, and force yourself to eat more. If you're constantly eating, and drinking a weightgainer or two shakes a day... you're gonna see gains you'll be happy with. Literally shock your body with the amount of calories you consume on a balanced, protein rich diet. Throw in some creatine if you want. I promise you'll see quick gains. Look at food as steroids. Anyone who knows anything will tell you food is as important if not more important than steroids. I hope you do the right thing. Every day I think about my consequences from steroid abuse. I wish I would have put a little more effort in by doing it naturally. Now, Its hard for me to work up the motivation to reach any goals in the gym w/o the help/ease of AAS. Steroids can be a great tool. They are powerful... use them wisely. Good Luck!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    man 5/5 who the heck knows you bought it go ask him what the dose is.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Dude please listen to what flacco is saying. I wud give exact same advice so won't rewrite it but its all very true and accurate. At a minimum just spend some time looking into nutrition on here you will be amazed and its so much more then just eating clean food. You need to k.own about complex vs simple carbs and when to take, different types of protein and when to take, the gly***ic index, insulin spikes and so much more. Hell just today I was talking to a guy ans found out they make a supplement now that direct where the food is used in the body so that protein synthesis is optimized. Plus at your age the amount of test in your system naturally is probably just as high as the older guys on here injecting it so take advantage and save your money. Don't believe me get blood work done see how high your test levels are.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Im sure he means 50/50. Thats what a local gym guy told me on a deca/test blend. but i passed on that one..

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    never take advice from your source (drug dealer) he is making $$ of of you.
    Who know whats in that vial. maybe 5/5 means a 50/50 split. but at what milligram? I cant understand why people would by something that they have no idea what it is. These are drugs you are injecting into your body. Sont you think you should be a little knowledgeable?
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Gulf Coast..
    I know your 19 and ready to take off but please educate yourself here before considering using AAS. Plus at your age and knowledge level your apt to being taken advantage of and getting bogus or wrong hormones by other young guys with little knowledge. This is a science with predetermined results that may not be able to be reversed. You have plenty of time I promise. You know males are not finished growing until about 26? Do right for your health!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    dude u still 19....take it easy....
    i wont say you are too young for those...but what is you goal?what you wanna be ? i hope u didnt saw a picture of phil heath ,kai green or mr roonie and u wanna be like them...
    Really what is ur true goal?

  11. #11
    Thanks for all the replys guys! My goal is to be around 175 - 180 lbs im at about 154 lbs after taking 2 pro hormones. I did mutant plex and super dmz from iron mag. That's what got me wanting more because I went from 121 lbs to 154 lbs like it was nothing. I always took liver fix and body shield from ats labs while on and took rebound pct after the cycle. After going a ph it was kinda hard to say no to the dbol and deca/test.. I didn't take any of it because im on my off stage. After hearing about all the bad stuff that could happen im a little worried just from taking 2 ph cycles.

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