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Thread: advice for first timer.

  1. #1

    advice for first timer.

    I have found a source and need some advice on a first time stack and pct.

    6ft 5
    200 lbs (skinny)
    15% bf

    Ive been training off and on for about 6 years. Have an athletic background and know my nutrition. In the past i did a cycle of humitrope (HGH) wich was pretty bad ass! that year (3months of hgh) i gained and kept 15 lbs of muscle. i have done a little home work on the subject as far as what to expect during and after cycle. such as post cycle treatment, nutrition and work out intensity during.

    My question is aimed toward vets of responsible usage.
    What is a good stack for first steroid cycle? I'm not looking to be the biggest guy in the gym but would like to see some mass. I guess mass being the main objective. I like doing cardio and can cut fairly easy.

    When should i start my pct and what should i use? I have herd different opinions on this and could use advice of a responsible gym rat

    Thanks for reading and happy lifting bros

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    bed, work, gym, kitchen
    First cycle should be test only @ 500 mg weekly split minimum 2 shots. Ideally test cyp or enan. This way you can monitor sides and look for warning signs. It is recommended that one use and AI such as arimidex while on cycle dosed around .25mg daily or EOD. You will benefit from HCG during cycle as well for a better recovery and proper function of HPTA during cycle.

    Pct should be nolv and clomid dosed at 40/40/20/20 and 100/100/50/50 respectively for a total of 4 weeks pct. Both serms ran at the same time.

    Now having said all that, you will find that most people will advise you to properly arrange your diet before hand. If you are 6'5" and a mere 200lbs, you are pretty thin for your height and your diet is not where it should be for gaining mass, which u have indicated as a goal. Be careful and take your body seriously when putting in foreign matter. Know all the risks and understand the proper way to do these things

    Cheers bud

  3. #3
    Yeah i have had a had time gaining weight through my adventures. i work a job were i burn a significant about of calories on the regular. i was told i need 4000 cal a day to maintain. I will just need to get in a better eating habit. i do not always have time to eat as much as i would like which can be challenging for someone with my goals.

    Looks like i need to take a refresher course on this sight. The schedule you laid out for the pct didn't really look familiar to me 40/40/20/20 ect. i understand it is a dosage of both nolv and clomid to be taken at the same time but still a little foggy on the layout. 40 noval and 100 clomid first week and so on for the 4 weeks?

    Also I'm going to sound dumb asking this but is hcg something i can grab at health food store or am i going to need to get that from a source along with novl and clomid?

    I was looking at testabol enanthate. Was that the "enan" you referenced above?

    I don't want to be one of those ass holes that goes about this in an uninformed pig headed way so the more feed back i get the better.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    hcg is an injectable prescription med. not something you can get from the store. you'll need a reliable source for this.

    nolva and clomid can be found at the top of the page. click on the lion banner.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    You are correct about the PCT dosing. I'm more concerned w/your diet. Would you lay out a cycle, including PCT, for us to look at? Add your diet as well. Thanks.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2012
    how are you skinny if you have 15% bodyfat?

  7. #7
    6'5 15% bf, thats alot different then 5'7 with 15%

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    You should hit the diet section they can help.

  9. #9
    The bf% was taken at my gym so how accurate it is I don't know. Plus I started taking cretien again and if I remember right that can mess with the accuracy of the reading. I am in the process is laying out a diet and will reference the diet section.

    As it sits now.
    Breakfast:6 am whey protein two eggs three slices of turkey sandwich meat on nine grain bread with about the tbls of an olive oil based mayo. And a banana.

    10am banana

    12pm sandwich with same as above but no. Half avacado bean sprouts romain lettus. Apple whey shake brown rice and chicken or fish.

    5pm shake big ass sallad with spinach ceased dressing half cup of minced ham parmason cheese bean sprouts

    6 before gym protien shake banana flaxseed oil slice or two bread.

    8 broclie brown rice fish or chicken cottage cheese.

    This is a rough of a diet I put together two weeks ago. I took a break for about 5 months from the gym. I will be doing some further investigation in diet section.

    My cycle will be testabol enan 500 mg a week for 8 weeks. With ai during and pct described above. Thanks I will be looking at banner for my serms. Won't be able to get ahold of hcg though. Might cycle hgh for 4 months starting same time as test enan.

    Again thanks for your comments and tips. Will put a pic of myself in place of correct so you can see where I'm starting from physically.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    bed, work, gym, kitchen
    Quote Originally Posted by Gi812Many View Post
    6'5 15% bf, thats alot different then 5'7 with 15%
    where was this comment going and/or comming from?

  11. #11
    ^ Read above my comment

  12. #12
    i changed my profile to picture taken today just to clear up what 15% bf looks like on a 6ft5 frame.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    wheres the pic?

  14. #14
    having troubles. ill get it up there

  15. #15
    it will not let me upload a picture or access my account i think you could view my profile and see it but not sure i can't view it for some reason

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