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Thread: quick question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    quick question

    quick question. If alot of bloat isn't really desired can you keep a lower dosage of something that gives you bloat EX how does this look

    Looking to pack on solid keepable muscle with very little bloat

    weeks 1-06 75mg Test Prop (ED)
    weeks 1-10 400mg EQ (Monday & Thursday)
    weeks 1-10 250mg Enthenate (broken down to Monday & Thrusday)
    weeks 7-13 50mg Winstrol (ED)

    I was looking for something simple.. I really don't want to explode at all. I just want quality muscle with very little bloat and something simple. Nonw what i was talking about is the Enthenate taking it at 250mg a week. I break it down to equal 250mg by the end of the week so i'll be taking 2 small shots of it with the EQ. will this be good? I have a good diet plan with high protien, medium carbs, and necesary fatty acids. I've been spending a whole lot of time in the diet board, and it's really helped me a great deal and it's working for me. I've been clear of juice for about half a year now. My power is exactly the same as it was when i did my last bulk cycle. in some things i've accually increased power. My weight has gone down though. But i'm maintaining good with the diet plan i have. so please let me know if this is good? Thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    How many cycles have you done Bill?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    None the less. I would raise your Enan to 500. Your shooting 525mg of Prop a week anyway and I see no good reason to take a dip in test levels that drastic.
    I would also extend your Ena a week to match up half life to EQ better.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    i've done 2 good once.

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