Hi guys, just a quick couple of things. I came to this place a number of years ago looking for a quick fix, like a lot of other teens/early 20's im sure you see everyday. I think i ended up reading every post Marcus ever made lol, everything i read steered me completely away from AAS until it would be a lot safer for me to do so. So i just wanted to thank everybody for the effort to protect the young, reckless and stupid, especially in a game that im sure (more like certain) there is a ton of agendas.. I've been visiting this forum sporadically researching for when the time came.
I'll be turning 25 at the end of this year and i'm readying myself to go on a massive cut en route. I've been lifting consistently for 4 years now, but not exactly for aesthetics.. Lol fat powerlifter ftw. My plans as of now is to run my first cycle next January, right now i'm sitting somewhere between 20-24%. Lol you see my problem..
So in the next 6 months the only thing in life that matters to me are my family, my girlfriend and losing as much bodyfat as humanly possible lol. My aim is 7%, which may be completely unrealistic in that time frame i dont know.
Now i've read that T3 dosage with your natural test should be taken pretty drastically different compared to when on cycle. Ive seen limiting it to 40mcgs? Could i please get some input on this? Anyone have experiences from the same situation? Obviously this is a big cut, and i'm going to lose muscle ..and precious strength i have built either way. But i'd prefer not to look like a starving child come December lol. I'm also wondering just how long i can continue T3 usage? If i started it tomorrow, would it be dangerous to run it all the way through til Dec? The steroid.com profile says it would be fine, but i know that stuff is pretty dated...
And finally, what diet have you found generally assists T3 the most? I was planning on just a large overall deficit daily(1k+) with very high protein, moderate to high fats and little carbs.
Thanks a lot and sorry for the read... I hope someone can help!