41 yo. 100mg IM test cyp/week. 25g/1" thigh.
6', 230lb, <12%bf.
Felt ok before TRT but was having trouble leaning up and lifts were stalled.
BW showed test levels on the lower end of the scale. Probable a result of
past AAS use (about 20 years ago), fairly heavy, with no pct.
Have felt super since starting TRT about a month ago. Leaning up, strong, etc.
After reading gdevine's post on HCG, I decided to give it a try (hadn't really
had testicular shrinkage) but the post was excellent and sold me on the benefits.
I took 250iu yesterday and 250iu today (test cyp pin tomorrow).
I can only describe the way I've felt since this morning's injection as "euphoric".
Is this standard? If so, what is the mechanism? And can I expect it every week?!