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Thread: metha-drol cycle

  1. #1

    metha-drol cycle

    I’m in my mid 20’s, I’m 6ft 180lbs. 2 years ago I was 230lbs and cut 50lbs of fat and some muscle. I lost some strength during the process and wanted to do a bulking cycle to put lean muscle back on. I am currently around 7% body fat and workout 6 to 7 days a week doing either crossfit, p90x, insanity, running, or my own design. I wanted some opinions on this cycle. I had gyno surgery a year ago and got most of the gland tissue and fat removed. I still have alittle still behind one nipple or it could be scar tissue.

    4 week cycle
    Metha-drol (2caps ED) am-pm
    Ultra male rx (1 cap ED) am
    Tribulus (How and when to dose?)
    Organ Shield (2 caps ED) am
    Advanced cycle support (2 caps ED) before bed
    PES erase (1 cap ED) pre-workout
    6 week PCT
    Tamoxifen Citrate: 40/30/20/20/10/10 (CEM)
    Ultra male rx (1 cap ED) am
    Tribulus (How and when to dose?)
    Advanced cycle support (2 caps ED) before bed
    PES erase (1 cap ED) first week
    E control (3 caps ED) last 3 weeks
    I also take ZMA, CLA, EGCG, fish oil, hawthorn berries, orange triad, and milk thistle

    I plan on taking in around 400g of protein a day. Currently I take in a net of 2200 calories and my increase is as following:
    Week 1-2=2500 calories
    Week 3-4=2800 calories
    Week 5-6=3100 calories
    Week 7-8=3400 calories
    Week 9-10=3700 calories
    Week 11-12=4000 calories
    Week 13-14=4300 calories
    Week 14-16=4600
    And then start to reduce it by 300 calories a week until I get to a 500 calorie deficit to start cutting.
    Is the CEM tamoxifen legit? How do I dose the Tribulus? Im kinda worried about gyno cause I hated having it. Ive done 2 cycles of superdrol, 2 cycles of m-drol, and a cycle of havoc. The problem was is that I was young and dumb when I did superdrol and didn’t do a PCT at all. I know stupid. Since that point ive always done a PCT with nolva but I believe that’s where I developed the gyno.
    Any advice would be appreciated.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    On top of the world
    Is this a ph aka m-drol?

  4. #4
    yes it is a ph like superdrol or m-drol

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    On top of the world
    There are better choices out there that are less harsh on your liver. PH's are kind of the poor mans answer to putting a little temporary size on. But if your diet is not spot on you'll use it again and again. Eat right and train hard And when you hit a point where your stuck, then reach for a lil bump.

    Most over the counter pct products are bogus. Ive never heard of anyone over dosing on trib so use as the label says to. You can get quality pct from AR-r and with their sales lately they are even cheaper then crap you get from gnc or alike.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    post proelia praemia
    Quote Originally Posted by papa-g View Post
    There are better choices out there that are less harsh on your liver. PH's are kind of the poor mans answer to putting a little temporary size on. But if your diet is not spot on you'll use it again and again. Eat right and train hard And when you hit a point where your stuck, then reach for a lil bump.

    Most over the counter pct products are bogus. Ive never heard of anyone over dosing on trib so use as the label says to. You can get quality pct from AR-r and with their sales lately they are even cheaper then crap you get from gnc or alike.
    Agree with all of the above, I like this guy

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Mid twenties wtf is that? you dont know your age? And layoff the prohormones they are hard on your body.And hit the diet section and learn how to eat.Your diet is weird to say the least.

  8. #8
    P90x and crossfit for bulk? Cut that shit out and start lifting heavy weights, unless you're a soccer mom pressed for time or overweight. Also if your going to throw your money away on prohormones expecting miracles just step up and run a cycle of test save yourself the hassle

  9. #9
    I did those workouts to cut and I have a workout plan in store for bulking. I'll reduce my cardio to non HIT 2 times a week and lift the other 4 days with heavy low rep workouts. As far as my diet, I get 20% of my calories from fat, 30% from protein, and 50% from carbs. I dont eat any red meat, over processed food, and stay on track mon-sun. My diet is very strict and right now for a cutting phase. I would perfer getting away from the PH but I cant get my hands on the real stuff so i resorted to the PH market.

  10. #10
    Okay that makes more sense, if you are looking for lean mass while also shedding some fat i would reccommend going to a 40/40/20 split (protein/carbs/fats) to start delving into some of those fat stores.Without red meat tho you are going to looking at a lot of chicken and fish. Referencing an earlier post as well careful with the oral PH as they do stress the liver.Best of luck.

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