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Thread: Prepping for a cut

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Prepping for a cut

    I'm getting prepped for a cut and need some advice. Starting a cut in 9 weeks and I'm going to just run a t3/clen on a cyclic keto diet. Been looking around at t3/clen cycles and I can't make up my mind on how to run it. Should I start both at 20 and pyramid for two weeks on, two weeks off? Should I start the t3 at a higher mcg?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Dublin, Ireland
    You running the T3 natty or on gear?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Was going to run it natural if I can. I could probably add winstrol if I needed to

  4. #4
    I would say running t3 on a keto diet with no gear you will loose a lot of muscle t3 should be run all the time and clen 2 days on 2 days off before u start 2 on 2 off ramp it up everyday till the sides get to a level you can handle and then start 2 on 2 off.

    There are good threads on both of them already the clen handbook is full of good advice. I only go up to a max of 120mcg a day and t3 a max of 125mcg a day

    Hope that helps

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Just read the clen handbook. Have a better understanding now

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    t3 without gear will = burning fat and muscle at the same speed.

    better sit in mcdonalds all day. if you are not on gear.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Should I just add Winny and run say 50mg ED for 6 weeks?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    thats still a little amount of gear.

    start at 25mcg t3 daily. or better yet

    go to your local Pharmacy and buy Epherdrine, you can abuse that shit (not saying to do so) but less sides compared to the above you are using. Bronkaid - 25mg Epher. + 200mg Caffeine 2-3x a day will do you some good.

    but really if you want a good cut

    Tren Ace 100mg EOD ( sides are superbly over hyped)
    Test Prop 50-75 mg EOD or E3D, Depends on how you feel, bump it up accordingly but should be okay with 50 mg
    Masteron 50 mg EOD along with the tren.
    Cardio Accordingly. Really (least as possible.) 3x a week a 20-25 min walk. nothing more.
    Diet - 200+ grams of protein
    carbs - keep carbs pretty high
    fats - low
    25mcg-75mcg t3 depending on muscle mass.

    stay on that cycle for 3 months. really you will be shredded while eating a good bit a junk food.

    100% serious.

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