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Thread: 1st cycle analysis/confirmation please

  1. #1

    1st cycle analysis/confirmation please

    Hi, being lurking on the forums for a while trying to do the right research so I don't ask any noob questions and break any rules.

    My stats

    25, 88kg, 6'2, 11.9% bf

    I've been training since 18 (was 73kg) , but seriously training the past 2 years.

    I've been on a plateau the past 12 months and I'm looking to do my first cycle and see how my body reacts.

    I have an excellent diet, clean, 6 meals a day very high calorie intake.

    I've read numerous books on steroids, spoke to friends who use them and browsed these forums for hours and hours.
    I have to say the amount of information on this forum alone is quite overwhelming.

    My proposed cycle;

    8 weeks

    Test 300mg

    Aromasin on cycle 10mg ed


    Clomid 100/50/50/50
    Nolva 40/40/20/20

    Obviously the type of test will dictate when I start pct but I'm concerned about using aromasin for more than 3-4 weeks as I've read it's not a good idea.

    Am I better using it as just pct? I've read it's also important to Use on cycle to keep estrogen levels Normal.

    Any feedback on the cycle would be appreciated

    Thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Lubbock, TX
    How did you land on 300mgs/week and why only 8 weeks? You can do this but IMO I would bump it to 500mgs/wk for 12 weeks. If you are using E or C, you won't really feel it until maybe your 6th week. I feel test E as soon as week 3 or 4 but I know a lot of guys who claim to not really feel it until later.

    Do you know what test you are running?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Defiling Myself
    Can you please list everything you ate yesterday and your goal for this cycle?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    looks good, if its test E i would do 10 weeks if its test P i would do 8, id do 400 mg EW but 300 is fine if thats what you want to do you will still see good gains

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    and im not getting started on wether or not to run AI on cycle the debate is endless some say do some say dont both sides have good arguments it was a coin toss in the end

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    I vote to always run a AI.. Risk vs benefit

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    If the test is a high quality brand, that dose will give you a slight bump, but if it's UG crap it you'll fall short....of course, a lot of guys don't know the difference as they have only used crap. If you're going with large esters, I'd still probably bump it up to 400-500mg/wk and plan on at least a solid 12wks. I'd plan on that length no matter what ester you're using. If you're going with small ester test like Prop, 100mg/eod would be great.

    AI's....if you'll actually need one for gyno and water retention can't be determined until you're on cycle...even so, water retention is very easy to control with the doses you're talking about even without an AI for a lot of guys if your diet isn't over abundant in carbohydrates. I've seen so many guys hold water and blame the steroids when nine times out of ten it's because they're eating too much.

    As for AI's during PCT, I'm not a fan of this at all. Yes they stimulate testosterone production but they also (obviously) suppress estrogen and this is not a good thing during a PCT period. The overall and often overlooked goal of a PCT plan is normalization and you can't do that when you're lowering estrogen levels below an optimal range. Stick with SERM's for PCT IMO. Also, I see no reason for both Clomid and Nolva...just pick one but if Clomid I'd go with a higher dose than what you laid out. For example, to match 40mg of Nolva it takes apps 150mg of Clomid.

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