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Thread: Cycle with Var

  1. #1

    Cycle with Var

    Im near 19...i want start a cycle with Anavar of HI-TECH ,read it's is the mostless harmful oral roids..
    im noob in this field and im asking you for have good result and dont have/low side effect.
    week 1 10mg/d
    w2 10
    w3 15
    w4 20
    w5 20
    w6 20
    w7 15
    w8 10

    and while a cycle use a thing for not cause liver domage.
    what is the best PCT should i will do?
    clomid or nolva?how much?
    i think is better if i add in PCT 1200mg of tribulus 2-3 time a day and z-force of dymatize befor go bed.

    please answer me but no(you are too young)if i do a good PCT i can put my testo to normal.
    if i want do a think i ll try do better than i can do it.

    im 1,72 cm
    bf 12-13%
    Last edited by michaellp; 10-15-2012 at 06:24 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    What is this urge to do steroids? Are you trying to short cut your way to a better built physique? You know what discourages me the most is that regardless of what anyone says to you here, you're probably going to do it anyway. I'm glad my brother made me wait until I was 25, I was able to build a solid base without steroids and all the complications that come with them. There are many reasons why you shouldn't use AAS. The first one is that you haven't fully grown yet. Also, your natural testosterone levels are actually really high at the age of 19 if you're a normal male with no health problems.

    You are right, Anavar is mild. Perhaps not as mild as most people make it out to be, it will still gradually suppress your HPTA over an 8 week cycle. Also remember that 90% of oral steroids are metabolised through your kidneys and can be very harmful to your liver. Did I mention increase levels of bad cholesterol and higher blood pressure too? Doing steroids and knowing how to workout and diet and use proper drugs for post cycle treatment is one thing, but doing steroids and not knowing anything is something that is completely doomed for failure.

    At 19, you probably haven't been lifting for very many years, nor have you educated yourself on dieting I imagine. This forum is full of useful information on how to get where you want to be naturally. You should at least give that a try before you pop underground lab pills into your body for 8 weeks. Even if you were to do steroids, without a proper workout plan & proper diet plan you wouldn't see any results.

    In the mean time, let's talk about your cycle. That's very low dosed, and you don't want to taper up and down, you want your testosterone levels to be stable throughout your whole cycle, which by the way should be 10 to 12 weeks. The sweet spot for me with anavar is 50mg/day, otherwise I get kidney pain. As far as PCT goes I would probably do Clomid and Nolvadex. Ensure that you have your PCT stuff before you start your cycle if you're going to. I would start my PCT the day after I popped my last pill. Also would use Livercare 52, 1 pill everyday.

    Cycle Summary:
    Week 1-12: Anavar 50mg/ED

    Nolvadex 40/20/20/20
    Clomid 100/50/50/50
    LiverCare 52 x1 ED

    I know I'm a little heavy with the PCT, however I don't think it's a bad thing.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Is this your first cycle? Your first cycle should be test-only, IMO. Anavar-only cycles are iffy, most do not gain much from them... and at your dosage you will likely see nothing. If you are deadset on doing an Anavar-only cycle, I suggest at least 60mg per day.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patryn View Post
    Is this your first cycle? Your first cycle should be test-only, IMO. Anavar-only cycles are iffy, most do not gain much from them... and at your dosage you will likely see nothing. If you are deadset on doing an Anavar-only cycle, I suggest at least 60mg per day.
    My first cycle was a Var only cycle. I leaned out and put on some size that stayed, also had veins popping out of everywhere and a nice set of abs. My diet and workout plan were pretty solid, which is the key to a successful Var only cycle.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by P.Money View Post
    Nolvadex 40/20/20/20
    Clomid 100/50/50/50
    LiverCare 52 x1 ED
    Yes this is my frist cycle..and i though to anavar or d-bol..

    Anyway you say 4 week 1week 40mg a day
    2 week 20mg a day(of nolva)
    or only 4 day ??

  6. #6
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    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by michaellp View Post
    Im near 19...i want start a cycle with Anavar of HI-TECH ,read it's is the mostless harmful oral roids..
    im noob in this field and im asking you for have good result and dont have/low side effect.
    week 1 10mg/d
    w2 10
    w3 15
    w4 20
    w5 20
    w6 20
    w7 15
    w8 10

    and while a cycle use a thing for not cause liver domage.
    what is the best PCT should i will do?
    clomid or nolva?how much?
    i think is better if i add in PCT 1200mg of tribulus 2-3 time a day and z-force of dymatize befor go bed.

    please answer me but no(you are too young)if i do a good PCT i can put my testo to normal.
    if i want do a think i ll try do better than i can do it.

    im 1,72 cm
    bf 12-13%
    It is not the mostless harmful oral roid. It is considered mild, but not mostless harmful. I definitely think you need more time to research. Just by your post alone, I dont htink you are ready for this. I really dont. It is considered "mild" so long as their is a Testosterone base. Anavar DOES suppress your natrual HPTA and can have some serious side effects. When you supress your natural production, you become lethargic, HBP, low motivation, depression, loss of sex drive, loss of penile function, etc, etc. Supression is a bad thing at your age. You should be full of spit and energy. I am being 100% up front with you and would be if you were 25 or 30. At those doses, you really wont see much, IF ANYTHING, in muscle mass or tone. Anavar is a good AAS in its own right, but I wouldnt rely on it as the primary compound in any cycle. Most use it for fat burning and lean mass, but it is used at much higher doses. It is very expensive and can cause liver distress(NAC and UDCA). With it being so expensive, is is also commonly, VERY COMMONLY, faked. You have a good shot at it being sugar pills or even worse. Alot of people sell Stanzolol tabs as anavar, and that is also not a good thing, as they are highly, highly liver toxic. You dont want to run that as long as var, but if you dont know what you have, there is that possibility. Proper diet, excercise, and rest would do you better, and I am being 100% honest, than that proposed cycle. Good Luck!

  7. #7
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    The dosage for the PCT is split in Weeks, not days..

  8. #8
    so i have to take 4 weeks these dosages every day or 1 day each week?
    anyway...i think i take this next year...

  9. #9
    up my ask.

  10. #10
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Anavar at any dosage that will do anything - will shut you down. It is not prudent to run in a cycle without test imo. Var only cycles got popular because early on it was believed it had no impact on the hpta. They later discovered they were wrong. For your benefit I strongly encourage you to rethink this plan.

  11. #11
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    Anavar at any dosage that will do anything - will shut you down. It is not prudent to run in a cycle without test imo. Var only cycles got popular because early on it was believed it had no impact on the hpta. They later discovered they were wrong. For your benefit I strongly encourage you to rethink this plan.
    I agree and Ive done both. Test/Var was a much better, healthier cycle for me.

  12. #12
    so...what kind of test i have to take?

  13. #13
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by michaellp View Post
    so...what kind of test i have to take?
    Test is test. Use test E for less pinning.

  14. #14
    mmmmh...and if i use only d-bol?

  15. #15
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by michaellp View Post
    mmmmh...and if i use only d-bol?
    Michael. There is nothing that is acceptable to cycle without testosterone.

  16. #16
    Ok ok...but do you mean testo injectable?because i prefer oral roids...

  17. #17
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by michaellp View Post
    Ok ok...but do you mean testo injectable?because i prefer oral roids...
    Until you're able to inject, I would stay away from cycling.

  18. #18
    why you're saing this?oral roids aren't good?

  19. #19
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by michaellp View Post
    why you're saing this?oral roids aren't good?
    Orals without testosterone are no good.

  20. #20
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    Michaellp I'm in the same situation than you... I mean very similar I'm about the same stats and age than you. I also wanted to do a var only cycle. But first of all you need to inform yourself... Like they said 19 is too young you can really screw your body at this age... You can stop growing(I know it's seems not very harmfull but even if you are satisfied with your height you can maybe win another inch until you are really done.) secondly, you can and will shut down your hpta(your natural testosterone production) by taking anavar(it's mild but like jymminkdup said you can't avoid that...). You probably think, I don't care I'll do a PCT and everything will come back to normal(that was I thought), but this do not work like that when the hormonal system is not fully builded. You may need a hormone replacement therapy for the rest of your life...

    So, except if you are ready to take the risk of being on a hormone replacement therapy for the rest of your life, you should wait some more years before taking AAS...

  21. #21
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    Go check the video. He says that he injected steroid when he was young and what happen to him. Very interesting video. All of his video are awesome worth the time you take to watch them

  22. #22
    gscgugcsg..did you do a cycle?and now are you taking hormone replacement therapy?

  23. #23
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    I didn't because I was affraid of this... but if you want to do a cycle you must be ready to assume what can come next.

  24. #24
    i cant understar a speak english italian...
    so austinite..testo just inject into the buttock or in the all muscles?

  25. #25
    Please defer to this thread on VAR, it is the best we have

  26. #26
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    I'm not saying don't... I know how you can fell and why you want it so bad. I'm just saying begin by informing yourself on whatever you can find related to steroids/training/nutrition. It will do 4 years now that I'm reading on everything i can find. And more I learn more that I realize i know nothing... My job is related to that I'm studying in something related and still I don't feel safe to do that now... Do you think you know enough about risk, about gain, about how to avoid it. If you think yes, if you are ready to take the risk go for it... But right now I don't think you are ready yet... Stay on this forum I never stop learning by ready thread here. that a very usefull place. Feel free to post your question and anything they are here to help.(sometime the paper is not enough and we want people who actually tried it.) Go check the nutrition and training section you'll learn plenty of stuff and im sure you'll be able to maximize your potential.

  27. #27
    im already in a italian forum of bodyuilding.
    anyway the guy in helpchat in tell me if i use d-bol 75 mg a day dont need a true????O.o

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by michaellp View Post
    Im near 19...i want start a cycle with Anavar of HI-TECH ,read it's is the mostless harmful oral roids..
    im noob in this field and im asking you for have good result and dont have/low side effect.
    week 1 10mg/d
    w2 10
    w3 15
    w4 20
    w5 20
    w6 20
    w7 15
    w8 10

    and while a cycle use a thing for not cause liver domage.
    what is the best PCT should i will do?
    clomid or nolva?how much?
    i think is better if i add in PCT 1200mg of tribulus 2-3 time a day and z-force of dymatize befor go bed.

    please answer me but no(you are too young)if i do a good PCT i can put my testo to normal.
    if i want do a think i ll try do better than i can do it.

    im 1,72 cm
    bf 12-13%
    Go for it mayne, no pct required

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    On its not really steroids... as i heard it's supplement, a substitute to aas(so it wont give the result that real d-bol would gives) So yes if you took there stuff you wont need pct because its not real aas so you wont have the inconvenient of aas.

  30. #30
    i know i see this...

    i read this cycle it will be good?
    if i use this test-600x
    and this d-anabol 25 (all of them in your store
    it can be good?

  31. #31
    so if i take this stuff..i dont gain nothing?they told me i can take 75 mg of dbol a day without a it's a fraud or a valid stuff?
    Last edited by michaellp; 10-17-2012 at 05:47 PM.

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    You shouldn't be taking anything at your age. The products at are dietary supplements, gaining anything from them alone is highly unlikely.

  33. #33
    So their products dont do anything?D:

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by michaellp View Post
    So their products dont do anything?D:
    I don't know, nor am I going to take the time to research it. They're definitely not going to deliver the results you desire.

    Your best bet at your age is to perfect your diet, training, supplementation, and sleep.

  35. #35
    i know..i have jet those 4 spots...but i would more.

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