Hello everyone ! I finally got on this info site amd from the reads it is where I need to be. I am 53 and I have had several sever Trama events in my life since my supplement days of my mid 20's I was a fool reckless and non stop 2 year cycles and loved the life. Never even competed but man did I enjoy the gym almost lived there because I thought I could almost see results everytime I touched a weight.
Well fast forward 30 years and have a couple of bike wreaks and get ran over by a truck and I am still alive. I have beeen to my plain Doc and he said I had some of the most unbelievable low T levels he had ever seen (Oh I have a blood clot condition called DVT, if you know what that is OK if not then it OK), The doc put me on perscription Andro Gel it possibly not even sure may have helped my libdo but not what I was hoping for. I plan to go back to the old supplements and I know this time it will most likely be a life time commitment. I welcome any advice as to what doctor I should see to get good HELPFUL advise because I get a discount on perscriptions
I had one major thought from days gone by and wondered if a doc would agree that at my age and low T would HCG help my low T like in the old days when I was . . . . . what I called taking a break. I have been researching and know what I want to do with the knowledge from the past. I have heard that there is a whole new generation of supplements that are available ?
Great site and I hope I can receive imput to correct my condition and drive to live again