I'll do a clen cycle soon but I wabt to optimize the result(reach my goal faster so I won't need to run clen too long.) I'm planning to do 8weeks(max) straight of clen. I have some fear by using T3...
First: Do the anti-catabolic effect of the clen will be enough to conserve my muscle mass if I add T3??
Second: (in the worst case a cycle of 2 month) how long can it takes to bring back the thyroid fonction at normal??(I know it depends on everyone but approximativly)
Third: Does something exist to help the thyroid to return at normal(like selenium-iode)??
Fourth: What the consequence of low thyroid(low metabolisme i guess)?
Fifth: do something could prevent the thyroid fonction to decrease??
Sixth: What is your experience with that kind of stack(side effect,result,post cycle effect.)
thanks for reading this