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Thread: Controversial First Test Cycle to Compare Labs and 2 Sources

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Controversial First Test Cycle to Compare Labs and 2 Sources

    Hey guys, wanted to know what you guys think about this cycle? The reason why its controversial is because I'll be running 2 types of test by 2 different sources comprising of 2 different UGL brands and 2 different Canadian Vet brands.

    Its going to look something like this:

    week 1 - 4 : Test prop (Anatest) by Ventoquinol (250mg/wk) + Vet Test Susp by Univet (150mg/wk)
    week 5 - 8 : Test prop by UGL Eclipse pharma (250mg/wk) + [week 5-6: Test Susp by UGL Eclipse Pharma (150mg/wk), week 7-8: Test Susp by UGL Newport (150mg/wk)]
    Week 9 -12: Test prop by UGL Newport (250mg/wk) + Vet Test susp by Univet (150mg/wk - this is by another source than the one used in week 1-4)

    I would be pinning 85mg/mL of the props Tue/Thur/Sat and 50mg/0.5mL of the susp 2 hours before I workout Mon/Wed/Fri

    I haven't included HCG or AIs during cycle or PCT after the cycle, but if I implement them it would be from the same brand from the same source to minimize the amount of variables in this cycle.

    The reasoning behind this cycle is to test the potency of the different test products and to determine which brand and source for both test prop and test susp are the best. With this cycle I hope to compare the quality of the 3 different test suspensions/props from two different sources.

    I choose to use test prop and susp as they have the shortest half-lives so I would be able to determine more accurately the efficacy of the various products/sources.
    Last edited by ***Atari***; 10-30-2012 at 05:19 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    I would hope above all else you include an AI, hCG, and a solid PCT. The rest is simply an experiment.

    But Im curious how that 50mg of susp is going to feel. Keep us posted..

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