Hello all.... I previously ran a cycle of Tri test and Var for 8 weeks and reached my goal of adding 7 kg of weight... Unfortunately due to work at sea I had my PCT cut short and lost 4 kg of this.
After 12 weeks off I have acquired pro chem Var, Tri Sus 250 and super tren 2000. My aim is to put on 6-8kgs of lean bulk with little to no water as I am going for a lean ripped look rather than massive size
So the plan 8 weeks:
Tri Sus 250 (Test Iso 70mg/ml, Test Ena 90mg/ml, Test Cyp 90mg/ml) 2 times a week
Anavar 100mg tabs each day
I also plan to run 15mg Aromasin during the cycle - should this be ED or EOD???
Then a PCT of Tamoxifen - any ideas of dosage and start time???
would you agree I should stay clear of the super tren 2000mcg/ml or possibly try this for the last 4 weeks???