hey guys thought id post my bloodwrok up.been on about a year now (im an amateur competitor) and have been cruising 0n 400 mg test e a wk sin ce my laST ahow cpl mos ago (i knwe a bit on high side ) 12.5 aroma ed and 5ius gh ed and 100 t4 ed .any thoughts would be great ty
General Chemistry
Hemoglobin A1C
Hemoglobin A1C 5.3 4.5-6.0 %
Cholesterol 4.39 2.00-5.19 mmol/L
Fasting?: YES
LDL Cholesterol 2.82 1.50-3.39 mmol/L
HDL Cholesterol 1.18 >0.90 mmol/L
Chol/HDL (Risk Ratio) 3.72 <4.9
Triglycerides 0.86 0.45-2.29 mmol/L
Thyroid Function
TSH 1.6 0.38-5.5 mU/L
T4 Free 19.1 10.5-20.0 pmol/L
T3 Free 6.0 3.5-6.5 pmol/L
Pituitary Function
Prolactin 4.0 <15 ug/L
Reproductive and Gonadal
Estradiol <100 <150 pmol/L
Testosterone 25.3 10.0-30.0 nmol/L
Testosterone Free Calculated A 875 90-700 pmol/L
Method of Vermeulen
Testosterone Bioavailable Calculated A 20.5 2-16 nmol/L
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin 14 10-70 nmol/L
Referred Tests