Hello forum!
This is my first post so I thought I'd come in with a bang! (long ass post
, enjoy the read )
I was diagnosed with testicular cancer about 5 years ago. Underwent radical orchiectomy(removal) of left testicle , followed by 3 cycles of "BEP" chemotherapy. Since then I'm going for regular bloodwork to keep an eye on possible relapse and/or secondarycancers.
My Question to you guys:
Are there any testicular cancer survivors here who are using or have used anabolic steroids? If so, does the gear in any way affect your "normal" bloodwork for testicular cancer in such a way your doc sees red lights?
Lastly : is it a bad idea to use gear after the o'l cancer thing?
I am considering using steroids but kinda worried about the only remaining nut. If anything goes wrong now, it's bye-bye nut hello TRT (trying to avoid that). Would love to hear from people in the same situation. If some of you are going :"Why the heck do you want to mess around with this and take risks after your ordeal?", my response is plain and simple... Why do YOU use steroids? I think our answers would be the same. Let's get BIG.
My stats :
26 years old, training for 8 years.
Height : 6'0"
Weight : 190lbs (207lbs prior to chemo, think I might have slightly less test now)
Bodyfat : no idea
Biceps : 16"
Training : Mon/Wed/Fri in the afternoon
Diet : Typical day... 3 egg whites + cup of oats + fruit, protein shake (48grams protein/60grams carbs), chicken breast/fish + veg and potatoes, 75g pasta + 2 slices of toast, training, protein shake, steak + rice + potatoes + mixed veg, protein shake.
Preliminary cycle: (my first one)
Sustaplex 325 from Axio Labs (1X10ml vial)
Dianabol 10mg
Week 1-4 : 30mg (3 tabs) throughout the day
Week 1-10 : 1 ml Sustaplex on Sundays
PCT (21 days after last injection)
Clomid 50mg ED for 5 weeks
nolva 40mg ED for 14 days and then 20mg for 14-28 more days
I will be upping my caloric intake while "on" cycle. I've heard people say inject Sustaplex twice weekly (mon/thu) to keep levels more stable, would that be better? Also, I know 325mg/week is not really a lot, will I see OK gains from it, i.e. about 12lbs? I'm trying to keep doses low for now. Regarding PCT: which is better, clomid or nolva, or should I use both, if so, which dosages? Should I include Aromasin at all?
I read about the use of HCG but at this point I would like to avoid it due it being one of the "tumor markers" in my cancer screening bloodwork.
Any flaming/agreeing/critique/advice is most welcomed.
Thanx for reading