SARMS…. What are they and what do they do?
For those of you that have not already heard of them I hope you read on and learn about these wonderful research compounds and for those that have heard of them… I assure you there is something to learn in this article for everyone.
SARMS stands for Selective androgen receptor modulators. They essentially stimulate the androgen receptor in a number of ways. This is very important because the androgen receptor and androgens play a big role in many functions of the body. Some of these effects are seen in sexual organs, skeletal muscle and even bone. Androgen receptors let the body to respond to androgens in the body and androgen receptors are found in just about all of the body’s tissues. SARMs activate the androgen receptor giving their effects, even though they are not androgens themselves.
SARMs have been found to have some of the same effects as some well-known anabolic steroids, but SARMs are more selective in their actions. Scientists have manipulated these actions through trial and error to develop SARMS that have less unwanted side effects than already well-known steroids yet still showing some of sought after effects seen in these steroids. The feedback from researchers on these SARMs has shown to be very positive.
SARMs are not a new idea; they have been around since the 1940s. This is not really saying much though since it has only been recent that the SARMs field has exploded in feedback and research. It is the development of new SARMs and their effects that is what everyone is talking about. Only recently has there been such promising development in new SARMS, giving us amazing compounds to work with.
SARMs are not hormone based but rather Propanamide based. Propanamide is the amide of propanoic acid. Compounds of the amide group can react in allot of different organic processes and is why it is commonly used to form useful compounds for synthesis. It was discovered by “Dalton and Miller” in the 1940’s that aryl propionamides with structural similarities to bicalutamide and hydroxyflutamide could activate Androgen Receptor activity. This provided the early headway for the development of diaryl propionamide type of SARMs that are currently being developed and researched today by numerous companies and independent researchers alike.
SARMs have currently been showing very promising results in both soft tissue formation (e.g. enhanced muscle gain) and harder tissues (e.g. bone formation). This is of importance because it opens the doors to possible treatments with these SARMS for multiple conditions which sometimes would need more than one compound to treat or would have more side effects from the treatment itself. There is a number of SARMs currently in phase I trials. These compounds are being looked at in efficacy for a number of conditions such as; osteoporosis, frailty, cancer, and aging-associated limitations (e.g. issues walking or lifting).
Another possible use for SARMs is male birth control. Some SARMs have been found to potently inhibit gonadotropins while sparing the prostate and other tissues of negative effects. This makes SARMs an amazing option for the development of male contraceptive uses and is currently being research for this. Birth control has historically been something only utilized by females since past research in male test subjects using hormones was not deemed optimal due to side effects and lack of consistency as a contraceptive. With SARM’s we now have another angle to try and develop compounds of better efficiency and with less side effects for male subjects.
The possible uses for SARMs really does seem endless at this point, from treating detrimental conditions such as osteoporosis and muscle wasting to other uses of less urgency yet still of much interest such as a possible form of birth control and even hormone replacement therapy, which leads me to my next area of SARM research.
Current hormone replacement therapy for male subject consists normally of testosterone administration via creams and injections. This has been the norm for many years now in the hormone replacement therapy field. There are negatives with this form of treatment though; the use of testosterone for hormonal conditions can have a vast amount of negative side effects. In research, the use of testosterone for hormonal replacement therapies has been found to possibly negatively affect the prostate. This limits the options for subjects with prostate cancer or a history of this condition. Other side effects have also been seen in research subjects using testosterone such as polycythemia, edema, high blood pressure and acne. These can have devastating effects in some yet less seen in others. Overall pro’s outweigh the con’s in most circumstances since low testosterone levels have been found cause a lose skeletal muscle mass, strength and power, along with negatively impacting lipid values, protein and carbohydrate metabolism, cognitive ability and psychosexual behaviors while also showing an increased risk of falls, fractures, mobility limitation, physical disability, and a poor general quality of life.
As you can see optimum hormone activation in cells is very important and now with SARMs we have a possible way of treating some of these areas while limiting the negatively found effects in traditional hormone use in this field.
Something amazing to note with SARMs is that is has been shown to have a very positive effect in both male and female test subjects with limited side effects. This means a lot because female subjects have been shown to have more negative effects from androgen based therapies than male subjects. For the first time in history female along with male subjects losing muscle and bone mass have a chance at having these issues treated with SARMs and with limited side effects compared to traditional therapies. It has been found in research that female subjects treated with androgens tend to have more unwanted side effects them male subjects and some of these side effects include developing; an enlarged clitoris, body /facial hair and even a deepened tone of the vocal cords. These effects may not be reversible after androgens have been withdrawn so it must be something taken into consideration. SARMs are a big step forward for both males and females for future developments and uses.
Since SARMs are a manmade compound and not actually a hormone, it has been found that the body does very little to break them down when orally administered. This is commonly seen with hormones utilized for oral administration and normally an alteration is used for hormones to bypass some of the body’s actions in the breakdown of orally administrated hormones. It is this alteration that makes these hormones liver toxic. This is not an issue found with orally administered SARM research. In fact it has been found that SARMs are readably absorbed at almost a rate of 100% when orally administered and without the liver toxicity seen with oral hormones!
SARM’s research has provided the opportunity to build muscle mass, enhance bone formation and fat loss without the drawback of needing to administer the compound via injections or have the unwanted side effects from hormones. SARM research has brought forth compounds available for oral administration without being liver toxic and this is simply amazing in my opinion. This has led to a better compliance rate in test subjects and a safer way to administer anabolic compounds for researching possible treatments for conditions and even just the general research of muscle building and androgen receptor activity. I can only imagine what future research will bring us in the SARM’s field.
There are a few SARMs of current popularity but the SARM that stands out the most to me is S-4 (also called Andarine). S-4 is a SARM that was first developed by a company called GTX. They developed it for treatment of conditions such as muscle loss, osteoporosis and benign prostatic hypertrophy. S-4 has been found to be a very potent SARM showing the ability to promote bone anabolism, fat loss, prevent bone resorption, and increase skeletal muscle mass and strength. Studies have shown that S-4 is rapidly absorbed and with a very high bioavailability in oral administration research. These favorable pharmacokinetics of S-4 allow for low dosed administration in research. It is a currently very sought after and researched SARM. S-4 has even been shown to cause a larger increase in total body bone mineral density than DHT! Although SARMs are still being developed and research I feel one of the best current SARMs is S-4. S-4 has shown to have many good qualities in research and the anabolic effects have been shown to be just astounding over some of the other SARMs that have been made. I feel S-4 would be an optimal SARM for any researcher interested in the enhancement of muscle mass, bone density and the enhancement of fat loss.
Increased muscle mass, bone density AND fat loss… Sounds nice doesn’t it!
Check it out >> Liquid S4 30mL 50mg/mL
1) Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) as Function Promoting Therapies Shalender Bhasin, MD and Ravi Jasuja, PhD
2) Selective androgen receptor modulator treatment improves muscle strength and body composition and prevents bone loss in orchidectomized rats.Gao W, Reiser PJ, Coss CC, Phelps MA, Kearbey JD, Miller DD, Dalton JT.
3) Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM) treatment prevents bone loss and reduces body fat in ovariectomized rats.Kearbey JD, Gao W, Narayanan R, Fisher SJ, Wu D, Miller DD, Dalton JT.
4) Effects of selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) treatment in osteopenic female rats.Kearbey JD, Gao W, Fisher SJ, Wu D, Miller DD, Dalton JT.
Liquid S4 30mL 50mg/mL