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Thread: Riptropin ---

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Riptropin ---

    So I am bored at work and looking around and I see so much stuff on Riptropin. Now - most people say its fake - but I just dont get how I see results? It helped my sleep, and I get the numb hands like anyone shed some light?

    And if anyone has any stuff they can link me on this i would appriciate it ---

    and - is there anything like GH?
    Last edited by DigitalGorilla; 12-26-2012 at 08:44 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    I've been on Rips for Six month now. On my fourth box. Yes morning numb fingers are a side for me also. Getting rid of my stomach fat and getting back my torso V shape. Also my skin is tightening up and skin condition is getting better. Give it four to six month you will start to notice a difference. Started on 2iu per day 5/2 and up it to 4iu 5/2 and notice a faster difference. Once you get past the sides your G2G. If your source is solid like mine you will love your Rips.

  3. #3
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    Sep 2006
    Go get a blood test for growth hormone and igf. I Had same effects as you guys probably better effects. But it wasn't good hgh. Just some super peptide, real hgh even at a low dose will give you real body changes.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Im tired of seeing the exact same threads, there is one on riptropins on the same page. Why start another

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by patrick4588 View Post
    Im tired of seeing the exact same threads, there is one on riptropins on the same page. Why start another

    and fyi.. most peps will give you same sides as gh. im on peps right now and I sleep like a rock.. hands tingle.. only 4 days in so no results yet....

    also as for blood test. gh and igf tests still cant conclude you have GH.

  6. #6
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    Sorry - I didnt see the other post. ANd thats what I am thinking - these are just peptides. My source is great, package is official, been on them about 18 months - life has totally changed. But again - could be peptides. Cause word is every box from china is fake

  7. #7
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    with gh even most sources dont know what they have is bunk. usually its not their fault either.......

    18 months ( thats alot of money bro) what IU?

  8. #8
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    Well most people go on Gh and stay on for life.....I do cycles that get up to 6ius daily but i mostly stay at 2ius ED

  9. #9
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    Yea i agreaa.....

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalGorilla View Post
    So I am bored at work and looking around and I see so much stuff on Riptropin. Now - most people say its fake - but I just dont get how I see results? It helped my sleep, and I get the numb hands like anyone shed some light?

    And if anyone has any stuff they can link me on this i would appriciate it ---

    and - is there anything like GH?
    This is AGAIN, the case of people who don't know PHARM GRADE....


    Get PHARM, and then you see. You will NEVER understand RESULTS until PHARM GRADE

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by calstate23 View Post
    This is AGAIN, the case of people who don't know PHARM GRADE....


    Get PHARM, and then you see. You will NEVER understand RESULTS until PHARM GRADE
    i agree, its like someone owning a regular car and doing some suspension work and insisting it handles like a Ferrari now. But they never been in a Ferrari
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  12. #12
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    Impressive analogy. I like it.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalGorilla View Post
    Sorry - I didnt see the other post. ANd thats what I am thinking - these are just peptides. My source is great, package is official, been on them about 18 months - life has totally changed. But again - could be peptides. Cause word is every box from china is fake

    if you have been on that garbage for 18 months and dont see drastic changes that should tell you right there throw that stuff away and get some pharm grade and then you will see

  14. #14
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    losing the plot,remember?
    Some pretty radical beliefs are being stated without practically no backing up, just suppositions and pseudo-knowledge. The unfortunate is that more and more people are picking up this trend and since any proliferation of fake and inexact information is harmful for the community i'd consider more objective insight rather than the "GET PHARM GRADE" punch line. Don't forget Ankebio is also pharm grade, hygene zhongshan is also pharm grade, and both this factories are SHADY as hell especially hygene zhongshan. Another note would be that there are plenty of successful stories of generic chinese hgh being good just that the amount of this kind of product is constantly lowering mostly because of the open sales forums that are promoting whatever brings money to their owners all on the back of the honest normal member.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sheven View Post
    Some pretty radical beliefs are being stated without practically no backing up, just suppositions and pseudo-knowledge. The unfortunate is that more and more people are picking up this trend and since any proliferation of fake and inexact information is harmful for the community i'd consider more objective insight rather than the "GET PHARM GRADE" punch line. Don't forget Ankebio is also pharm grade, hygene zhongshan is also pharm grade, and both this factories are SHADY as hell especially hygene zhongshan. Another note would be that there are plenty of successful stories of generic chinese hgh being good just that the amount of this kind of product is constantly lowering mostly because of the open sales forums that are promoting whatever brings money to their owners all on the back of the honest normal member.
    Well said

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sheven View Post
    Some pretty radical beliefs are being stated without practically no backing up, just suppositions and pseudo-knowledge. The unfortunate is that more and more people are picking up this trend and since any proliferation of fake and inexact information is harmful for the community i'd consider more objective insight rather than the "GET PHARM GRADE" punch line. Don't forget Ankebio is also pharm grade, hygene zhongshan is also pharm grade, and both this factories are SHADY as hell especially hygene zhongshan. Another note would be that there are plenty of successful stories of generic chinese hgh being good just that the amount of this kind of product is constantly lowering mostly because of the open sales forums that are promoting whatever brings money to their owners all on the back of the honest normal member.

    well i have never tried ankebio as i dont have access too it but have heard they are ripping people off . The stories i hear about success with generics is people that are telling you how many sides they get etc. majority of them hasnt even tried pharm grade too compare . I have ran numerous blue tops , rips , elis all of them were no success story thats for sure lol they are a waste of time and money there are no results in them i dont care what a serum test says . This is just a beaten up discussion and we all have are fews and mine is pharm grade only for obvious reasons i will never put that shit in my body again

  17. #17
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    I totally get what your saying Sheven......
    I feel like these are real - due to the effects its having on me......yes it could be peptides but I do trust my source....

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalGorilla View Post
    I totally get what your saying Sheven......
    I feel like these are real - due to the effects its having on me......yes it could be peptides but I do trust my source....
    Trusting your source is fine especially when it comes to aas but with HGH, what does he really know about it. Where did he say it comes from? Does he get it directly from a Pharmacy or from someone another trusted source?

    Honestly what I have learned over the last couple of years in regards to HGH and and dealing direction with places such as who is mentioned above I still ended up with almost 3k worth of (worthless) mystery powder.

    Unless I get it myself directly from a clinic of lab via RX or from someone who has a RX I wont ever use it again. My health is not worth taking the risk and knowing what they putting in the vials is scary enough but it's what you dont know can hurt/kill you.

    I keep hearing about these side effects such as swollen fingers, sore wrist and things like that. The only sides I had from HGH was feeling better, looking better, weight loss, toning up in my mid 40s like I did in my 20s all this on 1iu a day.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 01-01-2013 at 11:51 PM.

  19. #19
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    Well - as far as it being real Riptropin it is....because it checks out on the website with the batch numbers and etc.....however - most people say even real riptropin is just peptides......I dunno -- im still on the fence about it

  20. #20
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    They DEFINITLY helped with my sleep issues. And definitly got me started with my initial weight loss. They also definitly cleared up some skin issues I had - and I definitly feel just over-all better when on them - no real sides.....definitly feel younger and look more alive then before ------ and went off for 3 months and felt like shit - gained 8 lbs ....

    So all that leads me to believe they are legit.....

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by patrick4588 View Post
    Im tired of seeing the exact same threads, there is one on riptropins on the same page. Why start another

    Where? I looked all over - couldnt find it?

  22. #22
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    ugg, fact is you have no idea what is in those vials. Everyone can believe what they want. And true fact is, even myself we dont need to use GH. Yes we like the idea of it or what it can do. But we dont need it. And most people on here arent that advanced when they need to push to the next level only by adding in GH. So in reality you are injection who knows what into your body. For long periods of time. Even if you believe there is some GH in there most people still say there is all kinds of other shit too. So who knows what effects that may have in your long term health. Its not worth it.

    And yes my opinion, Checking against their site means nothing. I can make gixxertripon. Make a website to check them against and start labeling generics and boxing them. Thats all rips are. I dont get why everyone is so desperate or willing to convince themselves that rips are some legit company.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  23. #23
    nah i heard gixxertropin is straight up peps

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angel of death View Post
    nah i heard gixxertropin is straight up peps
    but they 102% pure

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angel of death View Post
    nah i heard gixxertropin is straight up peps
    100% legit gh, in fact i heard they are over dosed. i trust my source
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  26. #26
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    I dont take GH for working out - but yea I hear you....

  27. #27
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    losing the plot,remember?
    no doubt the market is full with fools (especially young chinese guys) that found out that they can sell any crap on the internet on the open source forums and now they are making a bang on it. its partially the customers fault for engaging in this kind of businesses but this could all be avoided if they would stick with the long term trusted guys, for example Dr. Lin Hyge was good for years no problem with that and there are few more other highly trustfull guys and manufacturers in China but sadly most of them were pushed out of the market or become not competitive since everybody demands very cheap HGH like 100$/100iu. if you'll ask a chinese to make you gh for 5$ they can make you, just ask... and if you're asking then don't be surprised ... its free market economy, supply and demand, if people would not buy the cheap junk then those scammers would go out of the market, but people keep buying, also, they give credit to guys that ADMITED to have scammed them over and over again ("oh sorry, that was a bad batch, not our fault, our supplier, we will replace, don't worry"). **** THAT. how can anyone even consider trying hgh again from a guy that was busted for selling shit ? fool me once shame on me... but some guys are being anal raped daily and continue to enjoy it ... well we you can't just blame it on the ruthless chinese suppliers, they just furfill the demand.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angel of death View Post
    nah i heard gixxertropin is straight up peps
    Massive LOLZ

  29. #29
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    yea I hear what your saying...and damn 100$ for 100Iu is cheap - I wish!! lol

  30. #30
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    Go look what I just posted on Chinese growth concerns thread

  31. #31
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    I just read it - but thats the issue. I have all the good effects that Im supposed to ...and the bad ones. SO that makes me think maybe there is legit Rips out there and I got them. Cause they make me feel great - not at all how you described - so maybe you got bad ones?

  32. #32
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    Hgh roulette ;-)

    Would you buy them again?

  33. #33
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    Thats what i cant decide. They make me feel great - but so would heroin in a way lol

  34. #34
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    Haha you prob get good heroin and bad heroin too ;-)

  35. #35
    You just have to make sure you get it from the few reputable sources out there. The blood test results are posted on some forums. you can always do your own Blood work.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by sizzlechest View Post
    You just have to make sure you get it from the few reputable sources out there. The blood test results are posted on some forums. you can always do your own Blood work.
    Utter rubbish, rips are garbage and don't believe those internet blood test on source boards lol.

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