I decided to stop my cycle of test cyp 500 mgs per week at week eight due to a few different reasons. ,mainly because I want to start a new cycle in march for spring. Now I didn't use an AI the whole time on cycle and around the end of the cycle I started getting some itchy/sensitive nipples. I haven't gotten any man boobs though so that's a good sign. My buddy I got the sauce from shows up the other day with the pct. He gave me an ampule of hcg, 14 arimidex, and a bottle of tamoxifen. I've since took one shot of hcg.he said to take 2 shots a week for 4 wks Then do 1 arimidex a day for two weeks and then 1 ml of tamoxifen a day for 4 weeks. Now this is coming from a middleman ultimately and I'd like to have a second opinion. Another reason I stopped is to do a lot more research before march and get a better ideal of what I'm dealing with here. Thanks for any help guys.:-)