Hi All,
Thought I'd share my recent review on IGF-LR3, this information might help someone out there looking to try it or even answer a few questions. I'll keep it short and simple.
I ran IGF for approx 4 weeks.
25mcg per shot x 2 into the muscle trained. 50mcg total.
Pre workout, literally when I got to the gym locker room I would pin. I didn't follow the 5 on 2 off rule, I was tailoring it to my training schedule, so most of the time it would be 2-3 on and 1 off, I never ran it for more than 3 days on and never was off it for more than 2.
My weight increased by a 2lb (approx 1kg) from start to finish, but what I did notice was strength gains all round, most noticeably in my legs and back. I do look a bit leaner around the mid section and calf's mostly.
There was no change in my diet or training, the gains received I do honestly believe were from IGF alone. I've been training for many years now so putting on size is something hard for me to archive.
Also I like to share, I've ran IGF several times before with all different types of protocols (pre wo, post wo, sub q, im etc.) and dosage's and I found this method was the only one that really worked on me.
Difference I found with pre workout compared to post workout, is that post would give me great hungar pains 15mins afterwards, but nothing food or a shake couldn't fix. Pre workout did improve the pump during the workout, but that is meaningless to me. No hunger pains.
Overall for myself, pre workout showed more gains in strength and slight recomp of the body.
Hope this review helps some of the guys out there.