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Thread: New to igf-1! Some help plz

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    New to igf-1! Some help plz

    Hello everybody.
    I am 29 years old, 90kgs, 10-11%bf.
    Done 2 test cycles in the past.
    Am thinkin of running a new campound in my new cycle.
    Igf1 or growth hormone.
    I have no clue abt them or what they really do, and how the dosing occurs and the package.
    If u can elighten me that would be great.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Elias View Post
    Hello everybody.
    I am 29 years old, 90kgs, 10-11%bf.
    Done 2 test cycles in the past.
    Am thinkin of running a new campound in my new cycle.
    Igf1 or growth hormone.
    I have no clue abt them or what they really do, and how the dosing occurs and the package.
    If u can elighten me that would be great.
    If you can afford gh, go that route. Do a search, tons of info out there.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    HGH needs to be ran for long periods of time not just on cycle.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Elias View Post
    Hello everybody.
    I am 29 years old, 90kgs, 10-11%bf.
    Done 2 test cycles in the past.
    Am thinkin of running a new campound in my new cycle.
    Igf1 or growth hormone.
    I have no clue abt them or what they really do, and how the dosing occurs and the package.
    If u can elighten me that would be great.
    First off, I would like to say that as much as HGH is counterfeited, IGF-1 is even MUCH MORE so...Getting your hands on pharm grade IGF-1 not likely to happen at all...

    Go with HGH and get pharm grade quality product...Run 6+ months...Maybe start 2 iu's and bump up by .5 or 1 iu weekly until you've reached the dose you would like to take....I believe 4-5 iu's a day is fine especially if you have pharm grade...

    Running it with a cycle will also just make it that much sweeter....I'd prime with the hgh for 3-4 months and then throw in a steroid cycle...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Thx for the help!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Elias View Post
    Hello everybody.
    I am 29 years old, 90kgs, 10-11%bf.
    Done 2 test cycles in the past.
    Am thinkin of running a new campound in my new cycle.
    Igf1 or growth hormone.
    I have no clue abt them or what they really do, and how the dosing occurs and the package.
    If u can elighten me that would be great.
    I highly rec igf1 , even over hgh in terms of mass AND due to the fact there is a FLOOD of fake hGH out on market.

    check out this thread i made on peptides, maybe you will find somthing useful in it-->

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