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Thread: Gear for people over 40

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Gear for people over 40

    Good Afternoon,

    As a 45 year old male, who is wanting to get into shape, I have been searching the web high and low for expert advice on what gear those of us over 40 should use. Men over 40 have specific issues that younger men do not have:

    1. Greater chance for an enlarged prostate and prostate cancer
    2. Low testosterone requiring HRT
    3. More likely to be overweight (or obese) and have higher cholesterol
    4. higher blood pressure
    5. Joint damage

    As a man with 3 of the 5 issues above (joint damage, overweight and low Test), I am trying to do what research I can.

    I am working on the overweight issue by doing treadmill and dieting. (weight 240 BM:31%)
    low Test by getting on a HRT program (test level: 2.51)
    Joint damage by working out with light weights (ripped tendons in right shoulder in Feb)

    At 45 I am not looking to compete or bulk up. Athletics to me is a trip to the golf course for a day of fun each weekend.

    What I would like to do is start a program to build some muscle, loose some weight and get in better physical shape.
    People say Test is a great way to do this, but is it the best for me? The HRT program I am going on has me being tested every 2 weeks to see what my hormone level is. My understanding is that Test will suppress natural test. Is this true? Or could it boost my natural Test which again will give my doctor false readings?

    I have seen Anavar is supposedly a good choice, but it is extremely hard to find and very expensive. (The ones I have seen are 100 10 mg pills for $199) If I have to take 10 pills a day (50 mg x2 daily), that only lasts 10 days.

    I would like to hear from guys over 40 who have started a gear plan... what they found worked, etc.

    I would also like to hear about what didn't and any issues they had being over 40.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    You dont run a cycle with your bf that high bro.Cardio and a good diet is all you need right now.Hit the diet section and they will help you with a good diet.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    I didn't see where he told us his BF%, although it is a very relevent point you bring up.

    I'd suggest investing $25 in some body fat calipers and determining your body fat %. this is a critical piece of information missing. You and I are the same height and weight, but I'm around 15% body fat, and it's taken me along time to get there. Once you do that, come back and let us know what it is. the more points you check.... like 5 or 7, generally the more reliable the reading will be.

    Before anything, start your HRT program, if you have not already. It will take up to two or three years to fully realize all benefits. I'd start there. once you have 6+ months of hrt under your belt, and still want something more aggressive, there are things you can do that are mild, such as anavar.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Yup...concentrate on getting your HRT dialed in. This can be a long process and will often be all the assistance you need to kick start that weight loss! It could be a number of diff. reason incuding thyroid so concentrate on getting your helth straight and then diet dialed in as well as workout routine consistant...then look at AAS down the road

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    .....once you have a few months under your belt of hrt, you will begin to notice gains inthe gym becoming easier. fat will dissipate quicker, lbm improvements easier.

    do one thing at a time. reassess each step along the way. if additional steps need to be taken, then do so slowly and methodically.

    Good luck!

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