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Thread: newb intro & help plz

  1. #1

    newb intro & help plz

    I'll kick off by saying hi all, im fresh here on this board an already thinking it's gona be a cool place to settle in after reading the board rules&regs (Particularly the non-flaming policy), I hate repetitive stupid quest's just like the next guy, but there's a lot of guys from my previous forum that fails to remember that they had to start at one point and ask quest's as well, so for true "newbies" no questions are stupid questions, ,, well within reason, lol. Anyway, a lil quick history bout myself, I'm 37yrs, 190lbs and started out a bit too early on the juice train (19yrs) which stayed pretty steady until about 33 when things slowed way down due to 3 major shoulder surgeries, then at 35 came to a screeching halt after #4 (joint replacement). So im pretty much done indefinitely with any serious lifting ever again, but im pretty hardheaded and not a quitter so ive got to get back into some light lifting, but lifting none the less. But one of my biggest issues is my system crashed after my last cycle due to extremely high doses with no PCT whatsoever because went straight from gym to surgery. But issues are even a little worse for me than that, im in pain mngmt and have a fairly cool Dr but now have no ins, hes been giving me Androgel which any1 that knows anything about it knows its extremely low dosed not too mention very expensive with no ins ($336) a bottle with 60pumps and ive been using 4 pumps ea mrng (just under 100mgs) average past cycles for me were 1200mgs test enan per wk 12to14wks (was also a super fan of sust at 1000mg p.wk),, 800mgs deca per wk 10to13wks, , was on the fence about tren but from time to time would run a light run of around 50 to 75 mgs eod from 4to6wks (which need to consider running a very low dose now mainly to help trim a lil body fat) an yes I know cardios a must, winny is ooq bcause of already shitty joints. And ive always been against orals so rarely ever used them, but ill be honest, besides tren the strongest ive ever been was on 60mg Anadrol which is what led to me tearing my shoulder outa my body that final time. Lol. So in a nut shell theres a quick brief history fyi. But with takin it slow n easy I refuse to let a little ole titanium shoulder joint keep me down. So another problem im having is getting back in on my S.C. board bcause they're having some kind of technical issues now for the last week or more and unfortunately for me ive lost touch with my srcs. Dont worry I know how it is so im not coming on here writing all this to srce fish, however, I would like to simply post a single gear pic just to see if any1 is at all familiar enuff for any kind of feedback whatsoever. Anyway thx in advance for any general help or advice
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	tnt-300x300.jpeg 
Views:	94 
Size:	12.7 KB 
ID:	136131  

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    Welcome to the board mate, could you please read the board rules before posting again and edit your post where necessary...

    Thank you so much....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Northern Cuba/Mia FL
    You have a bunch of questions that need to be asked in the appropriate threads. Please start at the first thread that appears on the forum site -NEW MALE MEMBERS

  4. #4
    hey bro thanks for the welcome And alright I will do though I thought that I read through them so I was unaware that I broke any rules so I apologize but I will look back over and try to clear it up

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