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Thread: Typical New Guy Question

  1. #1

    Typical New Guy Question

    Backround Story:
    I know this has probably been asked a thousand times, but I need some expert advice for my specific situation.
    I'm out of country for a while, and I'm coming home (to the states) for a month in July. I'm getting some gear sent to me to make some progress on my size before I go home. It probably won't have it, in hand, until the beginning of June. I'd like to start an 8 week cycle as soon as it gets here (putting me halfway through my cycle when I come home). I want to gain at least 10 lbs before going home.
    I'm 22, 130lbs, 6'1".. I haven't been training for the last year and a half, but I'm kicking it back up while I'm out of country.
    I'm getting Test E, Dbol, Clomid, and Nolva sent to me.
    I'll be spending the whole month vacationing with my girl, and the thing I'm worried most about is having ED issues. Other gyno symptoms, I don't care so much about.
    1. Will Clomid and Nolva alone be ok to fend off any problems I might have?
    2. If I cycled Test ONLY, will I even have problems getting it up?
    3. I realize I'm a little young, and this is my first cycle.. But I really want to add Dbol if possible even if I have to do a light cycle. Test E 300-400/wk Dbol 30/day.
    4. When should I start my cycle to minimize any problems I'll have spending long nights with my girl? As soon as I get it (4 weeks prior to coming home), once I leave, or just say **** it.. and wait til after I come back?
    5. I don't have an AI or hCG, will that be a problem? Or can I just monitor things closely and stop if anything gets too bad? What if I'm running a Test cycle only? Does that make a difference?

    I'm not looking to become a body builder, but I definitely am looking to get in shape while I'm out of country. I've always been this small regardless of eating patterns, gym routines, or a combination of both. I can gain MAYBE 4lbs of lean muscle before I hit a wall. I don't understand it. I also can't judge off of my parents because they're both fat, and a lot shorter than I am. I don't know where I get my genes from honestly.
    I only want to gain a few lbs, enough to surprise my girl on leave.. but ULTIMATELY get to my ideal size. Even if I was 150, I would be the happiest guy alive. But I want to achieve these goals safely, but quickly and not have a hard time getting hard for my girl while I'm home. Simple as that. If you want to lay out a plan for me, fine. But as you answer questions, tell me the reasoning behind it so that I can become more knowledgable about why I'm doing what I'm doing. I've read hundreds of articles, and just as many webpages trying to gain more knowledge about how to start. But I think my particular situation requires just a bit more one-on-one expertise. Anything will help, Thank you!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    6'1" 130? Was that a typo? Your fkn anorexic man.

    You dont need steroids you need food! You should never spen a minute a day without a cheesburger in your pie whole!

  3. #3
    Thanks for the good advice, buddy.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    SoCal USA
    You're 6'1 and 130lbs? Pics because that's too small to even believe. 22 is too young to start as I'm sure everyone else here will agree on. Also, you are at LEAST 50-70lbs under your NATURAL potential. Even if you do cycle, you're nowhere near where you need to be because you obviously aren't dieting or training correctly. You'll lose most of you're gains. I promise

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Diana's Balls View Post
    Thanks for the good advice, buddy.
    I had no doubt you would be offended but fuk....what do you think steroids will do you for you with that base? I'm guessing your girl weighs more...

    Take it bad if you like but your being silly to think steroids are needed at all!

  6. #6
    Even if I have the potential to lose my gains, and even if they "aren't needed"..
    1. They're already bought.
    2. If I can help myself see progress sooner than 2 years of constant training, it will motivate me and drive me to work harder. Especially to maintain what I have. I've worked and dieted for 8-10 months at a time, consistantly.. and saw little to nothing change. It's a real motivation killer.
    3. Even if they end up being a waste of money.. I'll know what I CAN do, that it IS possible... and anything after that will be my own decisions affecting my size. If I fail, then it's ME failing.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    SoCal USA
    Ok. Well I'm not a fan of burning money but enjoy! Maybe someone else will step in and give you bad advice, like you should cycle or something rediculous like that since it's what you want to hear anyway

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    You are already failing..and now you want to epic fail by risking your HPTA for 2-3 lbs of muscle that you will lose within months. Your willing to risk ED for that?

    How about your diet...this is why you are at a stand still...not lack of steroids!

    What does you diet look like..(dont say I eat clean or chick, fish and veggies). I mean what is the daily macro breaksdown. How many cals a day? You are not eating enough and that is the ONLY thing you need to concentrate on!

    Buy alas...I am sure you will not listen since you have spent a cpl hundred bucks and your young!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Diana's Balls
    Even if I have the potential to lose my gains, and even if they "aren't needed"..
    1. They're already bought.
    2. If I can help myself see progress sooner than 2 years of constant training, it will motivate me and drive me to work harder. Especially to maintain what I have. I've worked and dieted for 8-10 months at a time, consistantly.. and saw little to nothing change. It's a real motivation killer.
    3. Even if they end up being a waste of money.. I'll know what I CAN do, that it IS possible... and anything after that will be my own decisions affecting my size. If I fail, then it's ME failing.
    Test and dbol won't give you ED, But your body is not fully developed, Your diet is def not on point! Protein should be your motivation not steroids

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    SoCal USA
    Listen to yourself man.... "I don't care about gyno" no AI. No HCG. Asking questions that show you know nothing about AAS.
    Your compounds aren't gonna go bad... Give it a year or two and eat right. I promise you'll gain weight if you listen to the guys in the nutrition section. You're not a "hard - gainer" or superhuman metabolism lol. You just don't know what you're talking about. We're here giving ou advice that's real. We're not selling you anything. Take some time and listen or don't f*ing post...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by ChiveOn
    Listen to yourself man.... "I don't care about gyno" no AI. No HCG. Asking questions that show you know nothing about AAS.
    Your compounds aren't gonna go bad... Give it a year or two and eat right. I promise you'll gain weight if you listen to the guys in the nutrition section. You're not a "hard - gainer" or superhuman metabolism lol. You just don't know what you're talking about. We're here giving ou advice that's real. We're not selling you anything. Take some time and listen or don't f*ing post...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Let me break all this talk down for you to as simple as I can.. Steroids need a solid base to grow from. At 6' you should be around 180-190 mark before even thinking about it! And being 22 well that's just retarded.. Your body is still growing and completing and by doing AAS your taking a huge chance there my friend.. Imagine you get married and your wife wonders why you can't get a hard on! First thing you need to so is go buy a life time supply of chickenerone, fishbol, and pct is eggsadex 8 x a day!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    FOOD bro that's it high protein high carbs

  14. #14
    Everybody starts somewhere, dont worry abput it, and for you I agree with many of the others. Take a trip over to the nutrition section and absorb some of the basics, at 22 you will make amazing progress by working hard and eating plenty.

  15. #15
    I DO appreciate the actual advice, not the ridicule.
    I guess I need to step it up and do it the long way.
    Thanks for letting me know that they don't expire/go bad. I didn't know that.
    What goals/month should I see bulking naturally? Because I DO eat enough. I've heard a pound a week, but that seems so low when you can LOSE 20 a month.
    In the case that I'm not eating enough, are there any appetite stimulants that can help me not feel full? I've read tons of mixed reviews. I already almost eat myself sick.
    I thought Test was a little safer, and if done correctly wouldn't hurt. I thought that maybe I could jump-start progress a little. But if its unanimous that I shouldn't, I'm all about staying safe. I can wait a few years, and bust my ass. I've been doing it this long....

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    SoCal USA
    Post your diet and macros in the nutrition section and they'll help you out. Most people aren't eating as much as they think they are.
    Also, it's nt to say gear WONT go bad but your oils should be fine for a year or two if they're kept in a dark place.
    Last edited by ChiveOn; 05-01-2013 at 08:56 PM.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    The Empire
    I feel bad for you bro. It seems to me that you're so desperate to put on some size that you are willing to risk your health.

    I'm in a somewhat similar boat. I would love to start my cycle but I can't, because I'm too fat. It sucks to wait but it's the right thing to do. I'm also older.

    The answers to all the questions you asked are here. Search a bit more and read for hours.

  18. #18
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    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by ChiveOn View Post
    Post your diet and macros in the nutrition section and they'll help you out. Most people aren't eating as much as they think they are.
    Also, it's nt to say gear WONT go bad but your oils should be fine for a year or two if they're kept in a dark place. Maybe freeze it? Not sure on that one someone else can help there.
    Do not freeze will crash! Room temp, dark place, gear will keep for 5 years no problem!

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    SoCal USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Do not freeze will crash! Room temp, dark place, gear will keep for 5 years no problem!
    This is exactly why I said someone else would have the answer! Edited

  20. #20
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    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Diana's Balls View Post
    I DO appreciate the actual advice, not the ridicule.
    I guess I need to step it up and do it the long way.
    Thanks for letting me know that they don't expire/go bad. I didn't know that.
    What goals/month should I see bulking naturally? Because I DO eat enough. I've heard a pound a week, but that seems so low when you can LOSE 20 a month.
    In the case that I'm not eating enough, are there any appetite stimulants that can help me not feel full? I've read tons of mixed reviews. I already almost eat myself sick.
    I thought Test was a little safer, and if done correctly wouldn't hurt. I thought that maybe I could jump-start progress a little. But if its unanimous that I shouldn't, I'm all about staying safe. I can wait a few years, and bust my ass. I've been doing it this long....
    What you call ridicule..I call in your face ard truth with no sugar coating. Your scrawny and need to eat more...but guess what, I'm fat and need to eat less! Life sucks that way!

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChiveOn View Post
    This is exactly why I said someone else would have the answer! Edited
    I'm having a no BS evening Chive...sorry if I come off short. Not the intent!

  22. #22
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    SoCal USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    I'm having a no BS evening Chive...sorry if I come off short. Not the intent!
    Thick skin man, I've been told worse. No worries

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    R.I.P My friends
    I cant believe I actually read this thread... Im in complete amazement as to the OPs responses.

    Where do people get these ideas that gear will make them bigger with no effort on their part? And yes, I can tell there is no effort cause if you are 130lb @ 6'1, you have put in NO EFFORT up to this point. Please don't tell us about how you have a fast metabolism or a "hard gainer" cause those terms only exist in the world of those who refuse to attain through hard work.

    End rant...

  24. #24
    Who said anything about me being a hard-gainer, or having a fast metabolism? Not I, sir. I'll admit that I haven't given it 100% and I never expected to take gear and not put in work... So, take your "rant" elsewhere?

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    SoCal USA
    Ya, it was meant to point out that if you're that tall and that skinny you either have yet to go to a gym or you don't eat enough as you claim. If you're butthurt over it I'm sure you'll carry on... Somehow

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    Micanopy/Gainesville, Fl
    Here we go ... oh no! listen op stop dancing around the truth. One thing just now, "well maybe I didn't put in 100%" So what did you put in. I have always been a hard gainer and I have to force feed. Take a box around with me and TRY, TRY 100% to eat every two (2) hours. Eat a meal and after not before slam down a high calorie shake, etc.. get up if I have to and drink a shake at 3-4-5 am the go back to bed. Ah, like 100% got that. Sorry you are so skinny, but it can be done without ass and you should get that weight up there like they say before you cycle. Maybe this and maybe that, well if this and that or I've been doing that for a long time, how long at the % attack that I just said. How hard do you work out. But again all of this with what consistency. You have failed you own natural potential. ...crazy mike

    Get back when you can admit that you have done these things 100%

    PS again I'm sorry to be hard but the truth ya now. WE want to help and we will,.
    Last edited by crazy mike; 05-01-2013 at 11:04 PM.

  27. #27
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    Dec 2012
    Figure out how many calories your eating CLEAN eating not junky, figure out how many grams of protein carbs and fats. And to start off add 200-500 calories more for a week per say.. Then add another 300.. Muscle and size yes grows off working out but food feeds the muscles. I went from 2,300 calories at beginning of December, by the beginning of January I was consuming 3,000 calories a day and gained 16 lbs. then I was around 183 lbs..

    Did my first cycle dbol and test cyp for 8 weeks still eating 3,000 a day and I'm at 201 lbs now. All healthy eating. Don't eat huge meals 3-4 times a day.. Spread your meals out more try eating a little smaller meals but 7-8 times a day homie.. That's what I did and happy with results. Now gotta try to shove 3,300 calories in my face while still living a life and working and not looking like a pig that eats all the time!

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Diana's Balls
    Even if I have the potential to lose my gains, and even if they "aren't needed"..
    1. They're already bought.
    2. If I can help myself see progress sooner than 2 years of constant training, it will motivate me and drive me to work harder. Especially to maintain what I have. I've worked and dieted for 8-10 months at a time, consistantly.. and saw little to nothing change. It's a real motivation killer.
    3. Even if they end up being a waste of money.. I'll know what I CAN do, that it IS possible... and anything after that will be my own decisions affecting my size. If I fail, then it's ME failing.
    Then why the **** are you asking advice? Sounds like you're looking for validation.

    So many reasons why you shouldn't juice but why do you care. You've already made up your mind. Lol

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Here you go my friend. Perfect example of one gentlemen who came here and asked questions but didn't listen to them and did what he wanted to do. Search the thread "To the youngsters" read that thread. Wish I could have helped him more but we tried. Hope he's doing well!

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    I have said this lots when i was younger i went from 185 down to 145 for some dumb reason then i wanted to get big and with only food got up to 245 lbs so eat like there in no tomorrow and who cares if you put on some fat, you worry about that later.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    The same applies to everyone...

    If you don't know how to eat and train properly, you won't grow regardless of the AAS. End of story.

  32. #32
    One last question... I recently read someone's idea in a forum, and it got me thinking...
    Ill agree, I'm not ready for bulking AAS's. I'm 22, but test levels should still be pretty high... Would it hurt to take clomid or nolva while NOT cycling to keep any possible estrogen levels down?
    ... If that makes sense?

  33. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by Scottyb13
    First thing you need to so is go buy a life time supply of chickenerone, fishbol, and pct is eggsadex 8 x a day!
    I find I gain good size on chickenerone and fishbol! Lol!

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