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Thread: Hgh benefits and side effects

  1. #1

    Hgh benefits and side effects

    Hey guys,
    Im new to the world of AS and am considering using HGH. I would like to learn more about it first though and see if this is for me. What are the benefits of hgh as opposed to test or any other type of roids?
    Im 25 years old 6'2" and 235 lbs. id like to shave some fat and get cut more. Any bit of advice that could be offered would be great as i am trying to learn more about this before making a decision.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Big apple
    Welcome to the forums. Start here,

    Human Growth Hormone - Steroid .com

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    I personally have no experience with HGH but some of my good friends used it and can tell you their methods of use. HGH can be a massive boost and growth works far better with steroids. The GH my friend is using at the moment comes in 10iu vials and he puts it in the 1ml of fluid and then simply divide it by 4 which gives him 2,5ius. This is a perfect dosage for every day. When he does it this way he gets the benefits of low dosage steroid intake and the great advantages of using low dosage GH as well. His progress is rapid, quickly gaining muscle mass and losing fat at the same rate also hi is in a great mood. I must add that my friend is almost 50.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    First of all 2.5ius will nor results in anything but the general feeling of well being. For fat loss you have to be using 4-6ius for muscle gain 8ius and up. Second, if your new you should definately not start with GH. Its expensive, your too young for it and you could be using your money in better ways. 25 is established as the minumum age for AAS, 30 should be the minumum for GH. You should have a couple cycles under your belt also. HGH is not a wonder drug. If your body fat is at 20% its not gonna take you to 7%. What HGH will do will help you surpass your limits. But, you need to get to them first. At 25 yrs of age your body is still producing a decent amount of naturak GH, you could ruin your body's GH pulse.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by ata1979 View Post
    First of all 2.5ius will nor results in anything but the general feeling of well being. For fat loss you have to be using 4-6ius for muscle gain 8ius and up. Second, if your new you should definately not start with GH. Its expensive, your too young for it and you could be using your money in better ways. 25 is established as the minumum age for AAS, 30 should be the minumum for GH. You should have a couple cycles under your belt also. HGH is not a wonder drug. If your body fat is at 20% its not gonna take you to 7%. What HGH will do will help you surpass your limits. But, you need to get to them first. At 25 yrs of age your body is still producing a decent amount of naturak GH, you could ruin your body's GH pulse.
    IDK about the protocol

    however, the rest is perfectly said...

    AAS will gives you what you need no need to start HGH. This is a complete different world...

    With aas only you can reach your goal for sure. No need for gh.

    Good luck

  6. #6
    Thanks for all the input guys. If hgh isnt recommended, then what would you suggest using as my first cycle? Theres also the matter of trying to get my hands on the real stuff and not black market knock offs.

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