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Thread: After some advice

  1. #1

    After some advice

    Hey guys. Just to note this cycle isnt for me as im still quite young yet and waiting but recently i had a mate on TRT come up to me, he has various cycles under his belt and has a comp in septmeber. the same time im on holidays around the 21st september is his comp His stats are

    90 kg
    and around 14-15% bodyfat i believe. I told him he may aswell start dieting down now for the comp but he wants to use the next 10 weeks or so to put on mass. Now if he starts on the 20th of this month that gives him 4 months to bulk and cut. Since he is on permenant TRT he doesnt require a PCT correct?
    Could he use the next 10 weeks to bulk up and put on as much mass as possible then the next 6-8 weeks cutting down. He has 4 months. Maybe an 8 week bulk but 10 would be better i suggested as he wants to use deca as its better value for money as opposed to NPP aswell as test e as higher MG/ML. But i guess my question is would 6-8 weeks be enough to diet down? Maybe this is better suited to the nutrition section im not quite sure sorry!.

    i was suggesting weeks 1-10 Deca at 600mg
    1-16 Test e maybe 200mg? Maybe more im not sure.

    so weeks 1-10 Bulk then a few days eating at maintenance then transition into a defict. Seeing as he left this a bit late were after some advice. Basically he wants to bulk then cut all in the 4 month period starting around monday which is 4 months. If he doesnt end up doing the comp he still wants to come in fairly lean id say around 11-12%.

    I told him im not really in a position to be giving out advice but seeing as im a member here thought id ask him and print the info out. Cheers

  2. #2
    So start cutting around 1st august. Which i believe as i said his comp is 21st september which is what? roughly 7 weeks? So a 7 week cut.

    would running deca from next week to august be alright? I believe he should drop it when he starts cutting as i know it holds water retention. And then just run straight test to preserve the muscle when cutting then return to his TRT after comp?

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2012
    If he's cutting, I would drop the deca. 300-400mg test is enough to preserve muscle while on a deficit. If I competed, I'd be using tren, intermittent fasting, and insulin personally.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by BBJT200 View Post
    If he's cutting, I would drop the deca. 300-400mg test is enough to preserve muscle while on a deficit. If I competed, I'd be using tren, intermittent fasting, and insulin personally.
    hes bulking for 10 weeks as of next week then cutting for 7 or so leading up to around the 21st september. Hes doing this all in the one go! No 6 weeks of cruise then start cutting. at the most maybe a few days off or a week of then start cutting! Yes even 250mg is enough to preserve muscle. Nope he wont use tren ever again. After a while he told me it starts messing with your head etc. Maybe he will give it another go but he isnt keen atm. He is alright with just testosterone for his cut. But wants deca or NPP to bulk. Maybe add in some Primo to help him cut.

  6. #6
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    Your friend needs to get an account and do some research. 2nd hand info always get skewed. Remember to game telephone. You and your friend will be better served.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by trent2 View Post
    hes bulking for 10 weeks as of next week then cutting for 7 or so leading up to around the 21st september. Hes doing this all in the one go! No 6 weeks of cruise then start cutting. at the most maybe a few days off or a week of then start cutting! Yes even 250mg is enough to preserve muscle. Nope he wont use tren ever again. After a while he told me it starts messing with your head etc. Maybe he will give it another go but he isnt keen atm. He is alright with just testosterone for his cut. But wants deca or NPP to bulk. Maybe add in some Primo to help him cut.
    Too late for bulking.. And if he is now 15%BF there is no way how he can cut down to proper form in 8 weeks... I would try to pack on some very quality mass in next 4 weeks, but nothing crazy not hard bulk for sure... But this already means dieting just adjust carbs and protein to create some hard quality mass, it is not that hard... but with 15%BF the best way to go is 3 months diet, starts with mild adjustments (starving is bad) in carbs count, getting hard closer to the show... of course adjustments has to be made according to actual fat amount and time left to the show... but remember... as the time goes it gets harder and harder to lose BF...

    If he will still be 15% 12weeks out, he has to be around 9% top 8 weeks out, 6% top 4weeks out so he might get to 4% in the day of the show. But is it wont be easy...

    The only thing I know for sure is if he doesn't start to loose AT LEAST BF 12 weeks out, there is no chance he can make it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Why is he on TRT at 27? How long has he been on it?

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