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Thread: MT 2 question

  1. #1

    MT 2 question

    Hi guys, I recently started my Melanotan 2 cycle at .5mg ed and my injections are hurting like fuk. I'm not sure if its the way I'm injecting it or it could be the bacteriostatic water?? Maybe its still to cold when i inject it.
    How long should you let it thaw out once taking it out of the fridge before you inject?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    I have never tried melanotan but I doubt it is the bac water. I take my hgh and hcg right out of the fridge and inject. How are you injecting?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by beerdogg View Post
    I have never tried melanotan but I doubt it is the bac water. I take my hgh and hcg right out of the fridge and inject. How are you injecting?
    I pinch about 1 inch of body fat 2 inches away from the belly button and inject at a 45degree angle. It hurts when I push in the liquid and then i can feel a small lump under the skin for a few hours after I've done it, dunno if this is normal or not

  4. #4
    Just did my 3rd injection and it still hurts. I don't have much body fat so when I pinch the skin it feels like the skin is pretty tight, is there anyway that you can tell if its definitely going into the fat layer?
    any suggestions are much appreciated

  5. #5
    Brazensol's Avatar
    Brazensol is offline Productive Member~ Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    First off I wouldn't do the pinch method. I used to inject my trt test cyp that way until I found the "right" way to do it. Now I simply take the needle and push it straight into the fat area around my belly button. I rarely even feel the needle go in and never feel the test as it injects (do it slowly though). I used to get a hot spot or painful lump/redness or both about every 4 or 5 injections with the pinch method. Since changing (about two months ago now) I have yet to have any issues whatsover.

    I use MT2 and other than some minor sides (usually very slight nausea) I have no other issues. I take it straight out of the fridge and inject 10 units (1 mg) once a week now. I mix it with bac stat water and feel no stinging at all. Oh, I also use a 29g 5/8" insulin needle.

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