I read somewhere on another forum that some people on TRT may over-repond to what may seem to be low doses of AIs. I believe I had that experience recently.
My present protocol:
3 pumps Androgel daily
250iu hCG daily (going to 125iu daily or 250iu EOD. Would like to know opinions on this.)
I HAD been on 0.25mg anastrozole every 3-3.5 days. I just yesterday took one 0.5mg dose and I felt like I ran into a wall! Kept yawning while I was driving long distance, difficult to stay awake, and had to pull over a few times to clear my head. Very scary experience. Feeling better this morning.
This had me understand why I hadn't responded to Test cyp injections. The clinic had me on .5mg twice a week and I thought it was the shot that had me feel like crap the day of the ai and injection. Now I know it was the way my body responded to the ai dosage. My TT levels were up around 800 but I still felt no improvement. They should have known when I told them my symptoms and adjusted the dosage.
Anyway, I'm curious about other people's experiences and input on this. Thanks.