First non-ph cycle ever. 34yo 6’1” 207 14% bf
Goal of getting shredded and strong while not gaining too much size (which I will control through nutrtion). Gyno Prone,
Here's what I'm thinking
On Cycle:
wk 1-12 Test pro at 300-400mgs/wk
wk 7-12 Var at 50/50/50/50/50/50 (I can only get 50mg caps and was told I can't split them, but I also thought I should dose 2-3 x /day since only 9 hour half life. I can also get transdermal, but I don't know anything about that)
wk 1-12 Aromisin at 12.5mg eod
wk 15-18 Nolva at 40/40/20/20
wk 15-18 Clomid at 50/50/25/25
Still not sure about HCG or N2Guard...thoughts?