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Thread: spliting dosages

  1. #1

    spliting dosages

    I do search on spliting dosages and got no matches

    Theoreticly if you were going to do 25 mg dbol a day would it not be optimal to take 5mg at each meal if a person was on a 5 meal a day diet? that would keep from getting a "spike" so to speak in the bloodstream. Also if i was doing 500mg test a week would it be better to do 250mg every 3 days to keep a more even flow of AS through the system? Would there be any negative things by doing this? Also would I be wasting my time dosing it out this way?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    split it just the way you mapped it out bro. always split it up to keep the levels in your body as steady as possible.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Van City
    D-bol has a half life of about 4 hours, so try to split it up throughout the day. I like taking a healthy dose about an hout before the gym and split the rest up evenly throughout the day. And yes, I would split the test up into at least 2 shots a week, as it will keep your blood levels more stable...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Originally posted by bigkev
    split it just the way you mapped it out bro. always split it up to keep the levels in your body as steady as possible.
    I am with Bigkev.

    In a perfect world one would take 1 mg every thirty minutes to get his 50 mg of dbol in a day. (Actually that is only 48 but you could throw in an extra 2 mg at lunch.

    And as far as the liquids (once you have got the blood levels up to where you want them. One could put a cathader in all of the sites he wanted injected and plug them selves up to a machine with a time release, which would spread out the 500 mg of test over the week. Damn, now that would be cool. Do you think anyone would notice if I showed up with about 6 needles and line running out of me in to a vial.

  5. #5
    Mike Guest
    Nautica - try it - let me know how that works for you....

    Yeah split your doses 4-6 times per day is ideal and schedule it so you get to take a dose pre gygm.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    If I could figure out away to conceal it I would. Then I would include the pics with Xbikers site injections.

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