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Thread: Running hgh for the first time.

  1. #1

    Running hgh for the first time.

    Running hgh for the first time.

    i'm new here and this is my first thread. I have a question regarding hgh. I'm coming out of my bulk phase i ran 500 test e, 500 eq, and d-bol. I consumed 5000 calories a day. 4 months from now i plan on running growth blue tops at 4 ius, and test e 500. Now i've been doing a lot of research on growth and there's a lot of speculations out there on how growth should be ran some say do 4 on 2 off and some say they never come off so my first question in 4 on 2 off the recommended cycle or should i go longer

    second question.

    i've heard some people run gear longer than 16 week i hear that some say they run for years without coming off, so my question is this, it's not recommended to run growth by itself it's supposed to be stacked with other things like test e for example but from my understanding you can only run other gear for no more then 16 weeks so if i do plan on running growth longer then 16 weeks should i come off the test at 16 weeks or should i stay on the test along with the growth or after 16 weeks should i just run the growth by itself?

  2. #2
    in medicine drugs should never be stacked. but yes it has positive (for some goals) cross working/co working effect with other drugs.
    administering hGH in medicine depends on the patient, in many cases every day. since you do not lack IGF its good to administer on and off to tamper less with your natural secretion. also injection times should take that in to consideration, if you are not doing more than one shot, in the mornings would be good so it will no longer be active by the time you go to sleep and produce your own naturally. one thing more, how reliable do you think a brand is, that is called by the color of its lid?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by El Anti Hroe View Post
    Running hgh for the first time.

    i'm new here and this is my first thread. I have a question regarding hgh. I'm coming out of my bulk phase i ran 500 test e, 500 eq, and d-bol. I consumed 5000 calories a day. 4 months from now i plan on running growth blue tops at 4 ius, and test e 500. Now i've been doing a lot of research on growth and there's a lot of speculations out there on how growth should be ran some say do 4 on 2 off and some say they never come off so my first question in 4 on 2 off the recommended cycle or should i go longer

    second question.

    i've heard some people run gear longer than 16 week i hear that some say they run for years without coming off, so my question is this, it's not recommended to run growth by itself it's supposed to be stacked with other things like test e for example but from my understanding you can only run other gear for no more then 16 weeks so if i do plan on running growth longer then 16 weeks should i come off the test at 16 weeks or should i stay on the test along with the growth or after 16 weeks should i just run the growth by itself?
    I think the days are really insignificant as long as you at least run it 5+ days a week...4 is too little...

    Other then that 5 on 2 off, 6 on 1 off, or even 7 on.....Slight difference, but I would go at least 6....

    Personally, I believe growth works best running all year long...As for the test, just depends what you are doing and if your only quest is to be massive or if you're caring about health....

    Running test year round I wouldn't suggest for anyone unless they plan on competing or something....

    Basically, if you don't mind being a TRT patient when you are older then run it all year long...If you do care then stop test after 16 weeks and continue with the growth......

  4. #4
    As far as letting your natural gh work at night I don't really believe in that...Kind of like test...If you're on it, you're shut down...Doesn't really matter....

    Get pharm grade too, unless you are certain your gh is legit...

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Running hgh is a long term game. You wont see the results at first and they take a while to start to be visable. I like shorter 8 week cycles as opposed to longer ones just because recovery beats me up too much so I only have an 8 week window that I run hgh at 8 ius. Two months prior ro that I prime at 4 ius and run hgh through pct and a bit beyond so at the end of the day I have ran it close to 6 months. By running it this way, I feel that the fat loss is second to none but exactly how mush cell hyperplasia has occured.....hard to tell, but I do look different.

  6. #6
    So im about to get on gh at 4iu a day, but everyone says going long distance with gh is the way to go so why would you do 5 days on and 2 days off if gh works better the longer your on it?
    Im going to do 2iu in the morning and 2iu around 2pm, will my natural gh kick on at night still??

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crazy yetty View Post
    So im about to get on gh at 4iu a day, but everyone says going long distance with gh is the way to go so why would you do 5 days on and 2 days off if gh works better the longer your on it?
    Im going to do 2iu in the morning and 2iu around 2pm, will my natural gh kick on at night still??
    This is done in an effort to make the hgh last longer and supposedly give your pituitary a break and start working. That would be great if you could run it 6 or 7 days a week. I have had great results with the 5 on 2 off approach that alot of guys use.

  8. #8
    Well, and workout days too...

    I'd hate to have a hard workout and not have gh in my system......

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by calstate23 View Post
    Well, and workout days too...

    I'd hate to have a hard workout and not have gh in my system......
    Agreed, def on workout days no matter how you split the days up.

  10. #10
    I've been on HGH for 6 years and I love it. I'd recommend HGH everyday if you can afford it. Consistency is the key in HGH. HGH doesn't have to be stacked with anything. You can take only HGH and you'll still feel great. HGH is not really for anabolic results. If stacked with Test it helps your retain your gains. But it's also awesome by itself.

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