Welcome to the board, genx.
The best way to get advice is to do some research, so that you can propose a full and complete cycle for critique. This will help you understand the responses you'll collect, so that you're not diving into what folks say blindly.
Before you research steroids, it's imperative that you understand your HPTA and Endocrine systems, and how steroids affect them. You can do so by following the link below:
Once you have an understanding of your system, you'll need to research different steroids and how they affect your body. Your first cycle should consist of Testosterone only. A full explanation and details about first cycle can be found by following the link below:
hCG on cycle is vital for the betterment of your health and recovery. You can find details about hCG and why it's so important by following the link below:
If you have any questions about injections, you can follow the link below:
Estrogen is the most important thing you need to know about on cycle. To understand estrogen in me and how to manage it, read the 1st segment in the article below:
Also, you'll need to learn how steroids affect your blood levels, check this link for details:
Finally, before you venture in the steroid world, you must be sure that you understand metabolism and how to eat. Steroids merely amplify the effects of your diet. If your diet suffers, so will your results. You could literally inject astronomical amounts with zero results. Food is your best friend and you can post your current diet and have your nutritional plan evaluated by following the link below...
Best of luck to you.