I seem to hear so many younger members talking about all these problems with gyno. I have never had or felt any effects, is this due to my age or is it just luck?
Has there ever been any studies done on the greater or lessor effects and or dangers of steroids on the older man.
Now because I love my lifestyle I live where steroids are legal, I cannot get Prami or Aromisin, but have got Bromocriptine, Letrozole, arimidex, and nolvadex, Hcg is also available easily but I just finished 10,000 units.
My bloodwork is good, I see my doctor every 2 weeks to ensure BP is OK and Thanks again to Austinite I drained about 600 mls of blood two weeks ago to reduce haemoglobin levels. Now my RBC is great!
I am asking this because I am still getting improvements In the weights I lift. At 58 this year I have benched 150kgs, dead lifted 270kgs and due to no squat racks only squat 230kgs. This is better than when I was 50. I want to grow stronger, As my heart and lungs are sound I see no reason not to continue.
I have been blasting and cruising the last 2 years. I follow Ronnie's advice! Thanks Ronnie!
As a man who live and competed clean for 26 years I have strong feelings about youth and steroids. I know what can be achieved naturally and with just diet and training. I wish some younger members could just understand that you have an entire life in this sport to get where you want. I am not a bodybuilder, I want to win on a result not an opinion however most of my best mates have moved from one field to the other over the years and according to what other sports they play. I believe that training hard , long and heavy is the way to get where you want to go.
Progressive, resistance training can mean so much. More weight, more reps, less time, longer workouts, shorter breaks, and always trying something new when you reach a plateau.
For me steroids came in when injuries became a problem.
So back to my original question, are the dangers lessor or greater with age? Thanks to everybody here who has advised me and those people who have put together so much information on all aspects of anabolics.
Good lifting and good results to you all. John