Long story short, went to my Doctor with the usual symptoms (ED, unable to lose weight, brain fog, fatigue) . Bloodwork showed test at 302. Went on Androderm for 30 days, test came back at 194. Took 6 weeks off, went on Test Cyp at 100 MG bi-weekly for 8 weeks. I felt no different when I went back in, bloodwork came back at 456.
We decided to double the dosage since so many of the symptoms fit, so he put me on 200MG bi-weekly. After the initial injection, I felt terrible for a week both post-injections. Had some shrinkage and oily and sweaty skin. After 30 days of feeling shit, I tried to go 100MG weekly because I felt terrible after the larger injection I felt like. I am 30 days in at 100MG/1ML weekly and feel no different.
Per the Doctor, the next step from here is the other direction with Zoloft. He said he doesn't feel it is a test issue if I felt no better after the 150 point jump from the 1st round of bloodwork but I insisted on at least trying another dose. I feel like going from 302 to anything higher, I should feel something but I feel exactly the same.
Thoughts? I am going back in 3 weeks for another round of blookwork. I do not know any other bloodwork numbers, other than test. He told me everything looks good except that. I trust my Dr, but want to make sure I am headed the right direction.