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Thread: Cut cycle

  1. #1

    Cut cycle

    Hey guys, although im new to this forum im not new to the AAS world. Some Facts:
    Im 24 years of age, I weigh 232LBS and i'm 6'2. This will be my 4th cycle, yet it is my first cutting cycle. My last few cycles have been what you can call "non beginner cycles"? However you people call it. Anyways, my last bulking cycle was Test E, EQ, Anadrol, HCG (500iu Every 5 days) along with aromasin throughout the entire cycle, and finished with a pct of clomid and nolvedex. Results were satisfying. I Will be honest I dont know my true Body fat, but I can tell you I can see three layers of abs

    Anyways, my cutting cycle consists of:
    Cut MIX(75mg test prop, 75mg tren a, 75mg drost prop)- probably pinned EOD



    PCT: Clomid/Nolva

    Im not going to throw out dosages just yet, Just thought I would post this to see if you guys had any recommendations or advice. And please none of that beginner crap- you'll just be ignored- go read a book.

    My nutrition and cardio of course will be on track, i will be lifting (which basically is my cardio ) but I will also be doing isolated cardio.

    Thanks, lets hear back

  2. #2
    Can you give a guess at what you think your bodyfat is? Wasnt sure what you meant by you can see 3 layers of abs? If your looking to cover all your bases mite want to look at hcg again an possible an ai and caborgaline if your running a higher dose. Just my .02

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    I'd pin 2cc eod
    Definitely run an ai during this cycle and hcg as you did in your most recent.
    Run your pct with nolva and clomid as well. Run the anavar for the last 4-6 weeks of your cycle. The clen should be 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off

  4. #4
    Half life of Props 2 days and Acetate is 3 days. I normally pin Test P everyday. Feel like a pin cushion but is better for blood concentration level. Pinning Test Prop every other there is pretty common. You need to really keep an eye on your E2 which will affect your Prolactin. I would recommend adex .25mg/ed.

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