I had to share this with you guys maybe I'm a little insensitive but I cannot believe how some grown men are such cry babies. I have had to terminate employees in the past and some of them just don't care,some get pissed and I have had some break down and cry like a baby. I had new employee (8 months) call me last night and put in his 2 weeks notice. Our company policy is that when you put in your notice you are done right at that minute. He gets to work this morning and I explain this to him and we shake hands and I wish him good luck in the future and he breaks down cries like a 2 year old. I stand there with the WTF look on my face and ask him what is wrong and he tells me he thought we would be more upset that he was leaving( I did not tell him that I was thinking about firing him today anyway). He cries for 5 minutes we load up his toolbox, shake hands and he drives away and waves at me like a kid on the school bus for the first time as he drives away.
Is it me or is the younger generation getting softer?