So a few days ago I got home from work and ate a (dont judge) cup noodle. Woke up the next morning and my stomach was killing me. The food I ate just sat in my stomach all night and it felt very heavy and was getting increasingly painful. My stomach looked very bloated like I was prego.
I went about 4 hours after waking up before I started puking. My stomach still felt very heavy. I researched the issue and was terrified to find out about a condition known as Diabetic Gastroparesis. Where the stomach looses its ability to empty its contents.
At this point I was having sever dry heaves. like my body really wanted to get the food out but was having no success. The heaviness had turned to EXTREAME pain and my dry heaves sounded more like I was screaming than trying to throw up. My blood sugar was dropping and I couldn't eat any sugar. Long story short I rushed to the ER.
My experience can be summed up shortly. They gave me a IV drip, anti-nausea and morphine through the IV. The morphine was more intense than I can remember from past ER visits. I felt very hot and like my bones filled with lead. I did not like this one bit. They gave me a CT scan and ran blood test to check my pancreas enzymes as the doctor suspected it was actually an inflamed or ruptured pancreas.
Here is where I am confused. I ended up staying 2 days for observation. The bloating went down and I had a small bowel movement the next day. The nausea and pain went away as well. The blood test came back with my enzymes normal and the scan didn't reveal anything wrong. Food poisoning was ruled out because it wasn't typical symptoms. No extreme diarrhea. And one does not typically get food poisoning from cup noodle. Also Diabetic Gastroparesis was ruled out because my A1C was great and I havent been in poor control of my diabetes nor had it for long enough. (Only 6 years.) Essentially they released me with no cause or instructions
Now the next day after being released food is still seeming to sit in my stomach. Its not as painful and I have no nausea, and it seems to be draining but at a slow rate. I am almost left now to figure out what to do next.
My thoughts of what caused this are as follows..
1. My allergies have caused a large amount of mucus to drain into my stomach over the past week and it finally built up enough to some how clog my stomach? I find this unlikely because that would probably have to be a large amount and having only added a fraction each day I think my stomach can handle it.
2. I had taken 600mg of ibuprofen 1-2 times a day for the 4 days prior to this happening. I know this stuff is terrible for your stomach and maybe it caused some short of chemical unbalance or trauma to it. I find this also unlikely because that isnt that much ibuprofen and the doctor agreed when I mentioned it. He also said my symptoms didn't clue to this.
3. I am experiencing Gastroparesis for a random unknown reason.
4. High sodium caused the water from my stomach to be pulled out. (I rule this out because I drink a lot of water and always 2 glasses when I eat a cup noodle.)
Anyways I need to unclog my system but don't know how. I've tried coffee and fiber drink supplement. My dad said perhaps a pro-biotic and I was thinking of doing a juice cleanse. Any ideas as to what caused this? what I can do to unclog a stomach? and if it is Gastroparesis (no know cure) how should I kill myself?
ALSO I am very disappointed in a hospitals ability to manage your blood sugars. They did plenty of test to find my number but seemed not have a care in the world about fixing it. THey take your own vials away so you dont OD and die under their care, but apon learning my current levels were 250 ( from the nausea meds) it took 6 request and almost 3 hours to get an injection of humalog. And all other request to balance my levels were treated with very low priority. In fact the only sleep I got at the ER was from my sugars being to high and me essentially passing out from the levels. IDIOTS!! I raised a little hell and they didn't seem to care anymore.