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Thread: Can I use coconut oil while Insulin IS active?

  1. #1

    Can I use coconut oil while Insulin IS active?

    I'm assuming we already know the risk of insulin and how, when, and why to use it. Please respond with experienced and educated answers, info, and/or suggestions.

    Ive used insulin in many cycles and the rule of thumb seems to be that your not supposed to consume ANY fat while the slin is active or at the most 1-2g in food. I've gone without fat completely for 4-5 hours (hum-R) while slin is active and got great results.

    Lately I've fallen in love with coconut oil and all its amazing benefits. One benefit that stands out in regard to my question is that coconut oil is good for replenishing intra cellular lipids post exercise. I would like it to be my main source of fat during my next run. My thoughts are that since coconut oil is a MCT and it "does not collect in fat cells. They produce energy not body fat and not arterial plaque", then would it be ok to consume coconut oil while the Insulin IS active in my system? Should I worry about gut growth if I do consume coconut oil? Will I get fatter or what?

    I can't seem to find an answer to this question. Please help. Thanks

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bear Paws
    I'm assuming we already know the risk of insulin and how, when, and why to use it. Please respond with experienced and educated answers, info, and/or suggestions.

    Ive used insulin in many cycles and the rule of thumb seems to be that your not supposed to consume ANY fat while the slin is active or at the most 1-2g in food. I've gone without fat completely for 4-5 hours (hum-R) while slin is active and got great results.

    Lately I've fallen in love with coconut oil and all its amazing benefits. One benefit that stands out in regard to my question is that coconut oil is good for replenishing intra cellular lipids post exercise. I would like it to be my main source of fat during my next run. My thoughts are that since coconut oil is a MCT and it "does not collect in fat cells. They produce energy not body fat and not arterial plaque", then would it be ok to consume coconut oil while the Insulin IS active in my system? Should I worry about gut growth if I do consume coconut oil? Will I get fatter or what?

    I can't seem to find an answer to this question. Please help. Thanks
    I think the amount of fat taken in is more important then the type.... Even with slin I still find that some fat is needed but I usually do a minimum of ten grams and ive never had much fat gain when staying around the 30-40 gram point.... That being said I never really get too much higher then 10-12% no matter what my diet or supplement regime is as long as I'm doing some type of cardio regularly.... So my experience may not be the norm or even helpful for many other people.... I always say give anything a try and monitor closely and you can fix it before it gets too bad or out of control...

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