Hey guys,
First of all let me write down my cyle; this is my second cycle. i had run a test only cycle at 500mg/week for 8 weeks.
1-8 Test Propionate 400mg/week
1-4 Dianabol 30mg/day
1-5 Proviron 50mg/day
4-8 Injectable Winny 50mg/day
Now i'm in the first week of the cycle and i have injected 2 Test P. But I'm wondering if i should change the place of winny and start using it from now on at 50mg EOD, but 8 weeks of winny will be a little toxic. What's your idea? is the cycle above organized well or i should change that?
I'm waiting to hear from you, Thank u aLL
27 years old
185 cm height
77 Kg
8-9 % BF
***BY THE WAY***
Im not allowed to run cycles more than 8 weeks because of kidney pressure.