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Thread: Pct medication is it safe?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Pct medication is it safe?

    I had a recent buddy of mine die from steriod abuse and I was right about my 9th week of tren ace,anavar and test prop cycle so I finish my last inject and I am ready to do pct but I want to know how safe are the meds compared to the steroids? Could they be lethal?

  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    PCT meds are safe and non-lethal.
    What exactly caused your friends death?
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel
    PCT meds are safe and non-lethal. What exactly caused your friends death?
    What I wonder as well

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    How do you die from steroids?

    Anywho, all drugs have a laundry list of bad possible sides. Nolva has over 3 dozen listed with it. They range from fever and diahreah to suicidal thoughts. Your mileage will vary.

  5. #5
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    He was in a very dark place as I could see and he was usinganything he could get his hands on all the time. He was not even active working out or eating right he was way over weight so him injecting all the time and maybe a mix of other recreational drugs like coke and such made his heart stop. He was only 38 years old

    Now I am scared to use so I just want to get off and be healthy.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by thehor View Post
    He was in a very dark place as I could see and he was usinganything he could get his hands on all the time. He was not even active working out or eating right he was way over weight so him injecting all the time and maybe a mix of other recreational drugs like coke and such made his heart stop. He was only 38 years old

    Now I am scared to use so I just want to get off and be healthy.
    If I were to find a smoking gun for his cause of death, it'd be the rec drugs. If you're getting the regular blood work done and not abusing the substances, a cycle should be relatively safe.

    And thinking about it more. Your friend could have other problems like genetic heart defects. He could've been suffering from heart disease even if you took the drugs and alcohol out of the equation. There are a lot of things that COULD have been the cause of his death and there could've been a lot of other contributing factors. I do remember my sister talking about one of the kids in her high school class having a heart attack during their high school years (and it wasn't drug related).

    I'm sure there was some sort of autopsy. What did the coroner determine was the cause of death?
    Last edited by Honkey_Kong; 07-17-2014 at 03:08 AM.

  7. #7
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    cant be sure it was the roids, however i do hate it when you do get the odd person dieing from steroid useage & abusage and everyone seems to be so dam sure "it wasnt the steroids" hah i mean its kind of obveous there bad for us but dieing from them is unlikely

  8. #8
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    You realize the drug responsible for the most deaths in N American and the world is OTC Tylenol?

    The people who abuse see them on stage at Mr Olympia all the way down to your local gym....have an unusually low mortality rate from things directly related to steroids. The articles I read point to the prostrate test that tells you if you are likely for cancer...and then they still do the most common reason. Usually steroid users have a clue on diet, nutrition, and blood work....or the common sense to talk to people who do

    Any substance in too high of quantity can have negative effects on you.

  9. #9
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    I have come across clinical studies of men taking clomid doses in the range of 25mg per day for several months with no adverse results

  10. #10
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    Men who take clomid at low doses(i.e.; 25-50mg for 3-6 months) are most likely prescribed to it by a fertility Doc, due to Low-T... I know this as my fertility Dr is gonna be prescribing me clomid(as it's a test booster... And their also lookin into using it w/TRT patients, as well! Not for sure but their have been studies.... Read the Post "clomid and TRT...." In the Q & A forum!

    Referenced by Jimmyinkedup.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Men who take clomid at low doses(i.e.; 25-50mg for 3-6 months) are most likely prescribed to it by a fertility Doc, due to Low-T... I know this as my fertility Dr is gonna be prescribing me clomid(as it's a test booster... And their also lookin into using it w/TRT patients, as well! Not for sure but their have been studies.... Read the Post "clomid and TRT/Test Boosting Solution"(by Jimmyinkedup)In the Q & A forum!

    Referenced by Jimmyinkedup.

  12. #12
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by hillbill78 View Post
    its kind of obveous there bad for us but dieing from them is unlikely
    Steroids are not bad for us. Abuse of them is. Wait till your older and need TRT, then ask yourself if their bad for you.
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  13. #13
    I've seen anti-steroid documentaries and pro-steroid documentaries. From a clinical perspective, I've read studies that showed that Test help octogenarians increase muscle tissue and improve health. I've not read any clinical studies on adverse affects of steroids. To be fair, it's not likely that clinics in the U.S. will be allowed human testing on the adverse effects of steroids. Vitamins, taken in excess can kill you (see below). Testosterone is prescribed to millions of men for TRT. The range for "normal" Testosterone level is HUGE. Taking Testosterone to elevate one's Testosterone level to near max in the "normal" zone for a short time has never shown to be lethal, as far as my research is concerned. The quality of life with Testosterone is SO much better than without. My own family is on TRT and I can see the benefit with my own eyes. I have been cycling Steroids for 7 years and my last full blood work, 5 months ago, showed that I was in perfect health. If feel good, I look good, I have tons of energy, and my quality of life is much better than my peers. I'm a big proponent of Steroids.. IF, it's taken under guidelines that's outlined by the main body of the steroid community. There will ALWAYS be people that's going to push the envelope and get hurt. A few crazy apples does not make all the apples bad. My .02

    "Vitamin E. Supplement skeptics often point to the story of vitamin E, which was once considered a promising tool for cancer prevention. The National Cancer Institute was so hopeful that vitamin E supplements would decrease rates of prostate cancer that in 2001 it funded a study designed to test the theory. Instead, the findings revealed that the men who took vitamin E were 17 percent more likely—not less—to develop the disease.

    While vitamin E is a key player in immune function and cell communication, it’s best obtained through diet—in foods like wheat germ, sunflower seeds, and broccoli—and worst when taken regularly in high doses. Like many vitamins, it appears to lose its main benefits when taken in excess.

    Vitamin A. Vitamin A is what gives carrots their good-for-your-vision reputation. Found in both animal and plant-based products, it’s also important for reproduction, bone health, and immune function. Supplements can be important for people with certain conditions that hinder fat absorption, including celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, and pancreatic disorders.

    A form of vitamin A called beta-carotene is thought to help prevent cancer—but perhaps only when obtained through the diet. In pill form, it seems to do just the opposite. Much as the pivotal vitamin E study backfired, so did the Alpha-Tocopherol Beta-Carotene Cancer Prevention Study, which found that male smokers who took beta-carotene supplements were 18 percent more likely to develop lung cancer, and 8 percent more likely to die, than the ones who did not."

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    What do you guys think of clomid 100/50/50/50 nolva 40/20/20/20 or nolva 20/20/20/20 for my pct on tren ace, test prop,anavar cycle

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