Ok so I'm 22 and may be starting my second cycle soon. I didn't have the knowledge last time that I do this go around. Before I begin and before you all ask, yes I've read all the stickies pertaining to AAS and the young. Now going forward with AAS and my life I'm trying to be as responsible as possible to mitigate side effects and for overall health reasons. I didn't do PCT my last cycle nor did I utilize HCG on cycle. I know bad juju. This time around I have everything and even doing blood work. The blood work right now is where my concern is. I followed the link in one of Austinites threads that had a separate link discussing different labs and what test to get etc. I went and got my blood work taken and the results came back. Now my test, estradiol look fine(or from my research I believe they are). For some reason though my A/G ratio is high and also my AST and ALT. What would cause this and what can I do to fix it or is it even something to worry about? ANy advice is greatly appreciated. Don't be too hard on meI have uploaded lab results. Thanks again!