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Thread: Above average Testosterone level but doesn't make sense?

  1. #1

    Above average Testosterone level but doesn't make sense?


    I recently had some blood work done, it wasn't comprehensive by any stretch because the blood work was done primarily to determine other things, but I decided to ask my G.P to check for some other things as well, including Test, FSH, LH and Prolactin.

    My Testosterone reading came back at 26.9 nmol/L, with a range of (8 - 30 nmol/L). How much is this as a ng/dl reading? My G.P said this was the 'higher end of normal' and dismissed my request for a free Test reading. This is good news, as I've always thought my T levels would be average due to my natural ectomorphic stature, but it's confused me a little. Is free Test really the most important gauge to determine low T or can it be a number of different things that come into play? Can you still be naturally slim and have a good Test level?

    My FSH, Prolactin and LH were all within range. I've been reading so many conflicting things, I thought I'd try to find out if any of you good men could shed some light on this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    26.9 is 775 ng/dl. And a good total number has nothing to do with your free number. And yes, you can still have good numbers being skinny, fat or anything in between.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Low Testosterone View Post
    26.9 is 775 ng/dl. And a good total number has nothing to do with your free number. And yes, you can still have good numbers being skinny, fat or anything in between.
    Thanks for the reply.

    775 ng/dl is a pretty decent level if I consider the standard range of 300 - 1000 ng/dl.

    Why are doctors so reluctant to follow up tests? I'm going to seek out another G.P for a full hormone panel test.

    Are the symptoms of low T attributed to a low free test level, or can you have low free Test and a good total number but still get symptoms of low T?

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    How about telling us what your symptoms are.
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  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    How about telling us what your symptoms are.
    Well, at first I thought they were symptoms of low T.

    1) Low mental state - I've had depression in the past and more significantly in my teens.

    2) Muscle mass - I'm naturally slim and it takes a lot to gain muscle mass, which I can do, but as soon as I begin cutting with any calorie deficit, I quickly lose what I've put on.

    3) Mental fog - This has improved, but I'm still sometimes forgetful.

    Low T or am I just paranoid?

  6. #6
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Overwhelming odds are that your free t is just fine. Paranoia.
    Next time you get blood work get full BW so a proper assessment can be made.
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  7. #7
    Thanks man.

    Yep, I plan on getting full BW done before I start my first Test only cycle.

  8. #8
    I'm actually in the same boat as the OP. I posted on these forums about two years ago and I had testosterone levels around 450 Ng. The doctors rolled out a pituitary tumor, but I ended up having a bad case of varioceles. I went and got a variocelectomy. I also tried to eat a more testosterone producing diet, which included a lot of green vegetables and high-fat's like olive oil and nuts. I got retested recently, and my doctor forgot to test for free testosterone and prolactin, but to my surprise my testosterone level was 890ng. I couldn't believe it, I feel like I have a bit more energy than before, but I don't have the muscle mass and raging libido I thought I would have with a higher testosterone level. The only thing I did get was a bad case of acne on my back and chest .

    Like the original poster, I have a hard time putting on muscle mass and I haven't ectomorph body, but I also do have a little bit of stomach fat. I'm kind of the skinny fat body type.

    I'm guessing my testosterone level needs to be steroid level user high enough to get results that I am looking for.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    I had about the same level of total test will being in the lower range free test.

    tell him to test for SHBG and free test if he refuse he is an idiot.

    youll be fixed.

  10. #10
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    Yes high test doesn't always mean raging libido, have taken as much as 600 mg a week without much for libido. Also be sure that thyroid was checked, might need follow up labs there depending. Skinny but hard to put on muscle, more than likely comes down to training and nutrition, or hyperthyroidism, but even if that was the case you can usually compensate with training and nutrition. I mean there could be other things wrong. But I thought I was an ectomorph hard gainer, but I stopped using those words once I learned how to train and eat, I don't really believe they accurately exist, although we all have somewhat different genetics, we can all make progress, and the labeling doesn't help you reach your goals.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by dave900 View Post
    I'm actually in the same boat as the OP. I posted on these forums about two years ago and I had testosterone levels around 450 Ng. The doctors rolled out a pituitary tumor, but I ended up having a bad case of varioceles. I went and got a variocelectomy. I also tried to eat a more testosterone producing diet, which included a lot of green vegetables and high-fat's like olive oil and nuts. I got retested recently, and my doctor forgot to test for free testosterone and prolactin, but to my surprise my testosterone level was 890ng. I couldn't believe it, I feel like I have a bit more energy than before, but I don't have the muscle mass and raging libido I thought I would have with a higher testosterone level. The only thing I did get was a bad case of acne on my back and chest .

    Like the original poster, I have a hard time putting on muscle mass and I haven't ectomorph body, but I also do have a little bit of stomach fat. I'm kind of the skinny fat body type.

    I'm guessing my testosterone level needs to be steroid level user high enough to get results that I am looking for.
    You are guessing wrong. Take a look at your diet. If there is stomach fat, you aren't eating correctly. Nutrition more than anything else will determine how much fat you retain and how much lean body mass you achieve, assuming a normal range of bound and unbound testosterone. Far too many guys are quick to assume they must need steroids because they aren't gaining LBM or losing LBM. If you continue to eat poorly, no steroid in the world will fix that and give you the results you want.

    The most successful guys on this forum aren't those that use steroids all the time, they've learned to perfect nutrition to drive gains or drop bf and THEN the steroids help enhance the results achieved by diet and exercise. Steroids are the icing on the top of a strong successful foundation of nutrition and training, NOT the other way around.

  12. #12
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by SEOINAGE View Post
    But I thought I was an ectomorph hard gainer, but I stopped using those words once I learned how to train and eat, I don't really believe they accurately exist, although we all have somewhat different genetics, we can all make progress, and the labeling doesn't help you reach your goals.
    Like that. Labeling tends to become an excuse....

    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    The most successful guys on this forum aren't those that use steroids all the time, they've learned to perfect nutrition to drive gains or drop bf and THEN the steroids help enhance the results achieved by diet and exercise. Steroids are the icing on the top of a strong successful foundation of nutrition and training, NOT the other way around.
    That too. Well said.
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