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Thread: BW back on 200mg test/12.5mg aromasin

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    BW back on 200mg test/12.5mg aromasin

    So my protocol has slowly creeped up to a maximal dose of 200mg a week split up into 2 weekly injections. Before the AI Was introduced my estradiol got to 51 and i started getting itchy nips and gyno. Long story Short ive been on the Above protocol for 6 weeks. Impressions before the BW Was e2 Was getting alittle low and possible needed to lower Ai. Anyway doc cslled today and left a message Saying total test Was 1066, E2 Was 16. Everything looks good. I got free T but he didnt tell me the #, Ill get it in the mail. How do You think i should proceed to lower my AI. 6.25 a day seems like it would be a big jump, thinkimg 12.5 on injection days and 6.25 the rest? That would mean wake up sunday and Take 6.25, sunday night inject and Take another 6.25. Monday/tue/wed morning 6.25. Then tnursdsy morning inject and Take 6.25, Then 6.25 at night. Then friday/saturday 6.25 . Seem reasonable ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Detroit Suburbs
    I am very sensitive to aromasin and can get away with only about 7.5 mg/week and sometimes that crashes my estrogen. Even on my blasts with 500-600mg of cyp. I don't take more than 15-20mg total aromasin per week. I don't know how people remotely handle 25mg every day. My trt consists of nebido (test undecanoate). You may be able to get away with much less than you think. E2 at 16 is getting into the uncomfortable danger zone. You may have experienced it before, if not, you will feel awful if it goes much lower.

  3. #3
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spartans09 View Post
    You may be able to get away with much less than you think. E2 at 16 is getting into the uncomfortable danger zone. You may have experienced it before, if not, you will feel awful if it goes much lower.
    Agree with this. The numbers are subjective to the individual but 16 is on the low end. Elevate it and I'll bet you'll feel better and have a better libido.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Thanks guys , just got my free T and it was 33 on a 9-27 scale. I've decided to try out 6.25 every day and go from there. Also I noticed my hemocratit has been going up every time I up my dose, went from 44 to 45 to 47 now 48.8. Still an acceptable number but gonna retest in a few months and if it's over that 48.8 I'll get a blood draw. Cnat donate because I have chronic Lyme and jts pretty much always in my blood . I'll keep you guys posted how the lower dosage goes.

  5. #5
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    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Spartans09 View Post
    I am very sensitive to aromasin and can get away with only about 7.5 mg/week and sometimes that crashes my estrogen. Even on my blasts with 500-600mg of cyp. I don't take more than 15-20mg total aromasin per week. I don't know how people remotely handle 25mg every day. My trt consists of nebido (test undecanoate). You may be able to get away with much less than you think. E2 at 16 is getting into the uncomfortable danger zone. You may have experienced it before, if not, you will feel awful if it goes much lower.
    Just shows how different everyone is. I'm on 200mg a week and total t is in range and free t is only slightly high, yet at 12.5 mg a day my e2 is still 16.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Strange my sex drive seems to be decreasing. Gonna try and get a prolactin, DHT and SHBG test done to see what's up

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Gyno symptoms creeping back at 6.25 a day. Gonna switch to 12.5 A day but decrease to 6.25 the day before injections. Figure that's when my E2 should be the lowest. Hopefully that'll get me In to 25 range

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